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Everything posted by jt49

  1. This is quite a dangerous remark. I would recommend to study the metrical structure of the music. For me, the typical points to change the images are the beats 1 in the measures. In popular music we often hear a backbeat (syncopated accentuation on the "off" beats 2 and 4, often played with a snare drum). This will give you a lot of peaks in the waveform, which I would consider to be wrong. Nevertheless many AV people make use of them A remark on the end of the Cumbria sequence: It sounds a bit stalled. It is always difficult to fade out the music somewhere in the middle. It might be better to fade into the music (somewhere in the middle) and let it come to its natural end. You then better develop your sequence from end to start
  2. It seems that this topic is about to loose its way. The original question is: Do PTE users still burn DVDs, and do they need a DVD tool inside PTE? A typical PTE users has an internet connection, and of course has a computer. Furthermore, a typical PTE user who is able to export videos with PTE should also be in the position to use one of the free tools to burn DVDs for friends who neither have an internet connection nor a computer.
  3. You call it "zoom", I call it "timeline scaling" in O&A. Anyway, this is a good suggestion, and I hope to see it soon!
  4. Timeline scaling in O&A has been asked several times (in early times of version 9), e.g. here. What about writing a new request in "Suggestions for new versions"?
  5. V9.0.21 from today solves the problem
  6. https://www.wnsoft.com/en/picturestoexe/old-versions/
  7. You only checked the images in the two slides. As you see in the attachment: During the transition there are jagged edges. Go to "Manage transitions" and check Antialiasing inside the transition for the images that represent the slides. Jagged_Edges.zip
  8. Nice transition! Just a recommendation: Inside the transition, use "Edge Anti-aliasing" for the slides, and make pan and rotation smooth
  9. What are (in your opinion) default values for keyframes?
  10. Hi MUR, keeping your knowledge as a secret surely is not a good decision. Many users will appreciate your contributions. But IMO you should present them in some other place, perhaps in "Tutorials & Articles". I know that only a very restricted group of forum members has access to this section, I don't have access either (a fact that amuses me). But this might be a matter of change
  11. Hi MUR, the problem with comments of that kind (presenting workarounds in cases of suggestions for new versions) is that they can be regarded counter-arguments with respect to the suggestions of the original posters. In this particular case, copy and paste for audio clips is a feature that (almost) everybody would expect to exist. The best way for you might have been to support Barry's suggestion, and to add your method for the time when copy and paste does not yet exist.
  12. Copy and paste is a standard operation, and it should not be done using a workaround. I have missed copy and paste for audio clips several times.
  13. I start a blank project (version 9.0.20) and insert one image. I go to some folder including an MP3-file. I switch to the fullscreen view of the file list (F3). I highlight the MP3-file. I click on the Add button. PTE freezes
  14. Jose, if PTE runs your project with about 4 GB, my suggestion will not help you. It will help only you when creating EXE files. I have just made an example. I created a small project including three videos with total file size of about 5 GB. I could run this the corresponding EXE file while leaving the videos outside the EXE. In the present situation you might split your project into several parts, create several videos and combine them in a video editor.
  15. It should be 64-Bit
  16. Jose, did you ever try work with the option for videos (in O&A): "Do not include file to EXE"?
  17. "Run Slideshow" means that the player included in the calling sequence plays the sequence that has been called. Thus a mismatch of versions could cause trouble.
  18. I think that wideangle's idea is a good one. If the stand-alone video builder would have the restriction to work with videos only (no PTE-projects) it still could a 32-bit application, and there would not be compatibility problems with new versions of PTE.
  19. This is what MPC-HC shows for a video created with PTE 9.20 at 24 fps:
  20. Question: Will WnSoft have to pay for any kind of licenses in case of publishing the video-builder together with PTE 10, or as a stand-alone application?
  21. I wonder if it would be a good decision to offer PTE 10 with a component that will not be supported. It might be better to remove the video builder. There are lots of cheap and even free tools for authoring DVDs and BDs (for those who really want to use them).
  22. A Slide Style is a pre-constructed, re-usable template for a slide, or a sequence of slides.
  23. I would like to see if PTE would provide what sometimes is called speaker support. Assume that we have a show with alternating sections which change between automatic change of slides and manual control. Then it would be fine to have synchronization of slides and audio in the automatic parts, while there should be asynchronous audio in the manual parts. Of course it should be possible to define cross-fades between synchronous and asynchronous audio clips.
  24. You should have a closer look
  25. Beside producing AV, I have got involved with two German AV organizations; I organize a judging team for the Challenge 321; and I care for a local PTE user group. So I haven't got the time to produce video tutorials, in particular I do not intend to start a business of that kind
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