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Ich würde bei Problemen mit der Bedienung nicht endlos herumprobieren, sondern hier im Forum Fragen stellen. Ich bin ab morgen für einige Tage verreist, Ende nächster Woche aber wieder erreichbar. Einige englischsprachige Teilnehmer antworten aber auch auf deutsche Fragen (mit Google-Übersetzer). Alternative: Fragen in Englisch bei "General Discussion".
Hallo Berny, ganz hundertprozentig fundierte Auskünfte kann ich Dir nicht geben, da ich weder "ProShow Gold" noch "AquaSofte Stages" bei mir installiert habe. Soweit ich es weiß, benötigt man bei ProShow aber die Version "Producer", um gut damit arbeiten zu können. Nun bin ich kein typischer Anwender vorgefertigter Effekte. Für mich sind andere Leistungsmerkmale wichtiger, etwa Masken oder Keyframing für Audio und Bildobjekte. Diese Funktionen bietet aber nur die Version Producer. PTE ist vom Grundkonzept her ähnlich wie ProShow. Shows bestehen aus einer Sequenz von Slides (in der deutschen Fassung "Szenen" genannt). PTE bietet aber im Audio-Bereich durch sein Spuren-Konzept deutlich mehr als der Producer. Zudem bietet bei PTE der Editor "Objekte und Animation" ein einzigartiges Werkzeug für die Positionierung und die Animation von Bildern und Videos. Die Objekte können dabei hierarchisch angeordnet werden (Vater-Kind-Beziehungen), wodurch Animationen wie Cube oder Rubic's Cube erst möglich sind. Vorlagen enthält PTE nicht so viele. Im Forum sind allerdings einige Benutzer sehr aktiv und stellen viele Konstruktionen zur Verfügung (Styles & Templates). Wer ganz auf die Anwendung von Vorlagen aus ist, der sollte sich den Producer und die zusätzlichen Vorlagen-Pakete kaufen. Wer aber kreative Shows selbst gestalten will, fährt m.E. mit PTE deutlich besser und zudem noch deutlich günstiger. Welche Version von PTE soll man kaufen? Ganz klar: "Deluxe". Bei Essentials fehlen doch einige wichtige Funktionen (Audio-Steuerung, Modifikatoren, einige dynamische Effekte, Farbmanagement, ...). Es dauert nicht lange, dann braucht man sie. Nun zu AquaSoft: Von Aquasoft bin ich persönlich nicht überzeugt. Hier haben wir ein Mischkonzept zwischen Proshow und m.objects. Wie man z.B. hier sehen kann, sind manche Konzepte (wie die 3D-Animation) komisch oder nicht ausgereift, man kann eigentlich sagen "fehlerhaft". Für kreatives Arbeiten benötigt man auch bei AquaSoft die teure Version (Stages), die mit 249 Euro auch kein Schnäppchen ist. Auch die Update-Kosten von Stages 9 auf Stages 10 waren mit mehr als 160 Euro auch nicht gering. Also: Mein Fall wäre das nicht. Was soll man kaufen? Für mich ist das keine Frage mehr Gruß jt
Ich habe die Diskussion im deutschen Forum fortgesetzt.
Berny, are you German? Then we might have a discussion in the German section of this Forum.
I agree! BTW: I'm looking forward to see your contribution to the Challenge 321, jt (organizer at München)
I'm sorry to say that I have deleted my topic from yesterday accidentally. So here, I post it again Maybe, that this topic has been discussed before, I don't remember? In the Timeline it isn't possible to link 2 or more audio clips to the same slide. I have often asked myself why this "feature" has been introduced. I don't see any reason for this restriction. In fact, we can circumvent this restriction, as in the Project Options (Audio tab) we really can link several clips from one track to the same slide (marked red, but it works). I often make use of it. I typically cut commentary into very short clips. So I often have 2 or more clips that belong to the same slide, and I want to link them all to this slide. Placing the clips on different track would be awkward. My recommendation for the actions in the Timeline: Allow 2 or more clips from the same track to be linked to the same slide. ------------- There have been 2 replies: 1. jkb just said "+1". (That's fine ) 2. Jean-Cyprien pointed out that it is possible to link several clips to the same slide, provided that they are located on different tracks. He also asks, why I regard the placement of clips to different tracks as awkward. My reply to Jean-Cyprien: From my original post it should be clear that I know how linking works. Regarding a situation as awkward is a matter of personal taste. I prefer to keep my timeline as clear and tidy as possible. And for me a smaller number of tracks is helpful with regard to this aspect. Let me say it again: IMO it does not make any sense to have the present restriction on linking when working in the Timeline. It just seems to be a feature that sometimes forces us to have more audio tracks than we really need
This is true if you work out linking in the timeline. If you set the links in the project options, you can link more than one clip from the same track to the same slide. They will be marked red, but it works. BTW: This "restriction" really does not make any sense. My commentary is often split into very short clips. So I often make use of linking several consecutive clips on one track to the same slide.
You can open two projects, highlight all slides from one project, and copy these slides into the slide list of the other project (ctrl + c; ctrl + v). Before doing it, take care that all audio clips are linked to slides.
The feature that you want to see was discussed at an early stage of development of PTE 9, but it has not been implemented. My recommendation here: Insert your video into several consecutive slides, make the first instance a master video, and link the other instances to the master. The effect will be that your video will run seamlessly across several slides.
Color Management should be a Project Option!
jt49 replied to jt49's topic in Suggestions for Next Versions
I know about these features, and they are documented in the Online Help For me it is a question of esthetics and software design. The preferences for the editor should avoid functions that have side effects on the program's output. With your argument you could also move the background color from the Project Options to the Preferences (Igitt - Ugh!) -
Presently, Color Management in PTE is part of the editor's settings (Settings > Preferences > System). Question: What is the purpose of the edtor's settings? The settings help the user to work with the editor in a way he likes to do it. So he can configure the toolbars, choose a particular language for the user interface etc. Changing the settings typically does not have any influence on creating exe-presentations. But there is at least one exception: It is Color Management. The Color Mangement setting is not part of a project but when creating an exe-output from this project, the global color management setting becomes part of the exe-output. Not good, I think! So, when I want to prepare an exe-show for somebody else running his machine with a color profile different from mine, I have to change my global settings of my PTE editor to a wrong profile, export the exe, and then I have to reset my color settings. It works, but it is beyond any logic. If Color Management were a Project Option, it would be possible to create different instances of project files, each one according to the color needs of the destination monitors.
Synchronising Images to Music - on the Fly
jt49 replied to Barry Beckham's topic in Tutorials & Video Lessons
That's exactly what I want to say But for people who like simple cooking recipes, it can be regarded as quite OK (This is my last contribution to this thread.) -
I think that Denis and I are not interested in workarounds. We know about them. But we want to see that a video that has been added as an audio clip should play (presently in some case it will be ignored). Furthermore we would like PTE to accept additional audio formats like flac, aac, and ac3 ...
Synchronising Images to Music - on the Fly
jt49 replied to Barry Beckham's topic in Tutorials & Video Lessons
Some people may like this method. Sorry, but I do not! Working this way means that you will end somewhere in the middle of the music, at a position that you cannot predict. As a consequence, you have to stall the music. Even if you fade it out, it is likely that it will not sound good. In cases of simple shows having just a single music clip, I prefer to start with the finale, and then working backwards, from the end of the show towards the start. Fading in from somewhere in the music at the start of the show typically works better than fading out at the end. BTW, from a musical point of view, I do not like the transition points in the example. In most cases I would like to see them at beat 1 of the next bar. -
Download Online users guide for PicturesToExe 9
jt49 replied to Photo add's topic in General Discussion
You may use WinHTTrack (GNU General Public License) in order to create a mirror on your HDD of "https://docs.picturestoexe.com/en-us/9.0/main" (about 170 MB). -
How to play several shows in a row automatically?
jt49 replied to willemx's topic in General Discussion
@willemx Please put some of your project files where you see problems into a zip file and attach it to a post. Then I can have a look at it -
Will there be a user guide in German for V9?
How to play several shows in a row automatically?
jt49 replied to willemx's topic in General Discussion
I have just made a test myself: 3 blank slides, slide times: 2 seconds, quick transitions, each slide with a run command, absolute paths to executable files with quotation marks in the slide options. I created an exe file from this project. Result: Only the shows called by slides 2 and 3 started, while the one to be called by slide 1 did not. Everything worked well after adding an additional slide without run command at the very beginning. Perhaps a bug!? -
How to play several shows in a row automatically?
jt49 replied to willemx's topic in General Discussion
The methods for running several shows consecutively, as mentioned above, do not work for presentations in a typical (say German) AV group. There you will meet the situation where some shows are videos, and others are exe presentations created with different AV programs. An easy way to obtain consecutive playing is obtained by inserting a blank (black) slide for each show, and start the shows using the run commands in the slide options. Of course, this method can easily be refined in several directions -
As I said above: I think that we had this problem with V8, too. But in V8.0.22 the said problem has been solved. My recommendation for a future version: You may add ffmpeg in all cases. Then it might also be easy to accept aac and flac audio clips. In my opinion it does not make sense to accept a video as audio input that includes (say) flac audio, while not accepting a standard flac audio clip (and the same for aac, ac3, ...).
V 9.0.16 does not solve the problem.
PTE 9.0.15 Exe freezes after one slide [SOLVED]
jt49 replied to kenscott7's topic in Troubleshooting
I see the same problem as described by Ken in new V9 projects. -
If I remember it correctly, we had this bug before (maybe in earlier versions 8?). This bug should be fixed This topic should me moved to "Troubleshooting".
I would regard this as a very unsatisfactory workaround. I have a Samsung TV (more that 7 years old). While watching TV, I can choose between the original view, and a cropped one. Watching videos using the internal media player, the view isn't cropped. When connecting a computer to the TV, it works like an ordinary PC monitor, and offers its native resolution. Maybe it is a matter of settings?