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Everything posted by jt49

  1. jt49


    Ich glaube nicht, dass es an den Systemeinstellungen liegt. PTE hat seine eigenen Codecs für die Erzeugung der Videos. Mache einen einfachen Test: Starte ein ganz neues Projekt mit nur einem Bild. Schaue nach ob es in der Vorschau richtig läuft und versuche dann, ein Video zu erstellen.
  2. jt49


    Es wäre gut zu wissen, auf welcher Art von PC (z.B. Version von Windows) Du das Video ausprobiert und welchen Player Du verwendet hast. Die mit PTE erzeugten Videos laufen unter Windows 10 bei Verwendung des Windows Media Player oder des MPC-HC eigentlich ohne Probleme.
  3. Indeed, it would be a useful feature. At present time, you may highlight an object, and use Control + Image Up/down to move the object. Shift + Control + Image up/down brings the object to front or back
  4. You can have actions on mouse click (while running a show). If a clickable object is (perhaps partially) covered by some other object (which may be transparent), this other object should be set "Transparent To Selection".
  5. "Transparent to selection" is not the best choice here, and it also has consequences during running the show. I would recommend: Tools > Ignore Objects Not Selected
  6. Your problem seems to be that your slide 1includes (in total) about 80 Megapixels. As far as I know, the O&A editor of PTE is not optimized for image sizes of that kind. You may try to reduce the image sizes.
  7. What we have to keep in mind is that PTE is not an office program. I myself like to use PTE as a presentation program even if my slides are rather text-intensive. So I make use of a workaround which may look cumbersome at first sight, but which works quite well and easy (if you become used to it). I write my text slides in LibreOffice Writer, being much more comfortable than using PTE's text objects. Having finished a slide I save the original as an odt-text object (no background color), but also export it as a pdf-file. Then I open the pdf with Photoshop and render it to an image (at any resolution that I like to have), which just shows the text having transparent background. Then I export it as a png-image and insert it into PTE.
  8. Did you try the settings: Alignment: Left; Center: X=-100, Y=-100 ?
  9. Regarding this post, I should not have said this, I'm sorry Edit: Exchange of smiley
  10. If I remember it correctly, there are 2 other commands: -log -frametimes -desktopalign I really wonder why the command line parameters are not included in the Online Help!
  11. You say: "One of the slides is a video clip". I'm sorry to say: A slide cannot be a video clip! A slide is a container for visual objects. It may contain (as in your case) a single video, but it may also contain several videos and images at the same time. Why should a manipulation of one of the objects inside a slide have automatically a side effect on the slide options? The consequences could be awkward, e.g. loosing the synchronization of transition points and the soundtrack. For the feature that you want to see there is a simple workaround: Delete your "video-slide" and insert it again using the modified video.
  12. Please show us an example
  13. There are ways to avoid the problem. Nevertheless, this bug should be fixed!
  14. AVI is just a container format. Devices typically do not care that much for the container, but of course there may be problems with the video or audio codecs used inside!
  15. There is an odd behavior of V8 and V9 in cases when you have a slide with a name that is different from the name of the included main image, and if you then delete the slide name. Example: You insert a new blank slide, open its O&A window, and insert some main image, say MyImage.jpg. Save the project. Now open the project file with a text editor, and you will see for your new slide "SlideID=Blank". Open the project again, open the new slide's options and delete the slide name "Blank". Click OK and save the project. The slide list now shows our new slide with the name "MyImage". But if we look at the project file again, we see "SlideID= ". If we now open some other slide and insert a Go To action to our new slide with name "MyImage" but with empty SlideID, the Go To command will not work.
  16. When I open and close Lin Evans' project "butterly2pte" (here) with PTE 9.0.10, I see the following error message:
  17. The problem appeared sporadically while working on a very large project (containing several pairs of audio clips on the same track being linked to the same slide).
  18. I'll try to look at both cursor positions, if the problem shows up again. I cannot say that any cursor runs in a wrong position. Maybe that some audio clips that have been moved play in their old positions, I don't know.
  19. Perhaps I should be more precise: Sometimes, having done some manipulations in the TL, it happens, when running the Mini Player that the red cursor of the TL does not show the position in the audio wave that I can hear. Maybe that a modified position of an audio clip had not yet been updated. After toggling to the SL and reverse, the cursor is OK again.
  20. Having seen the problem again, I repeat what I have already said here: There seem to be update problems in the Main Window (in large projects?). Having shifted images, transition points, and audio clips in the TL, the cursor of the TL sometimes does not run at the correct position. Toggling to the SL or re-opening the project cures the TL.
  21. I wonder if this is to be regarded as a bug, I would do so. It seems to me that the thumbnails in the timeline receive their input from the slide list. So if the slide list's height is small, and you enlarge the slide track height of the timeline, you will see blurred thumbnails.
  22. At present time I cannot give more detailed information, sorry!
  23. Today, I had a similar error. The file list showed a folder with a lot of MP3 files. I did some clicking in the file list. I highlighted some clip and played it. Then it happened that I wasn't any longer in the position to operate in the file list. I still could operate outside the file list. But whenever I placed the mouse cursor into the file list, it it was shown in combination with an MP3 icon (which followed the mouse cursor), and I couldn't do anything there. I could save my project, but when closing PTE, I saw a similar error message as above (I did not manage to catch it). I tried to reproduce the error, and started a test project. Again I did some wild clicking it the file list, and I produced an out-of-memory error, see attached image. PTE did not stop to produce these out-of-memory messages. I stopped it using the Windows Task Manager.
  24. It has already been mentioned by Gary (here) that there is a bug in the Main Window when toggling between Slide List (SL) and Timeline (TL). It happens in large projects (250 slides or more). I highlight a slide somewhere in the middle of the project, and it shows in the Mini Player. After toggling several times between TL and SL, the SL jumps either to beginning or to the end of the project, while the Mini Player still shows the highlighted slide in the middle. I have to start the Mini Player in order to get the SL back to the correct position. I never saw this behavior in V8. There also seem to be update problems in the Main Window (also in large projects?). Having shifted images, transition points, and audio clips in the TL, the cursor of the TL sometimes does not run at the correct position. Toggling or re-opening the project cures the TL.
  25. I drag two images (Image_1 and Image_2) into the slide list. I open the first slide. It contains Image_1 as Main Image with index 1. I copy this image. I open slide 2, which contains Image_2 as Main image with index 1. I paste Image_1 into slide 2. Now slide 2 contains both images, and both have Main Index 1. This did not happen in version 8. If I then replace one of the two (different) images (having the same index) by Image_3, slide 2 then contains only Image_3, but contains it twice.
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