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Everything posted by jt49

  1. Thanks, but I am not in a hurry. Maybe I'll have a look at the sample project at some later time I just would have liked to look at it from Jean-Charles' point of view. Best regards, jt
  2. This is not what I want to do. Nevertheless I would like to have a look at the sample project. Why not offering the user a library of sample projects as downloads? Regards, jt
  3. "Transparent to selection" has effects on the final presentation (EXE), while "Ignore objects not selected" (Tools menu) has its effect only in the A&O-editor. So in case your are working with actions on mouse-click it is better to avoid "Transparent to selection". Regards, jt
  4. Indeed, this article provides information that can be regarded as misleading. In my opinion there is no alternative to learning the basics of color management. Once having understood them, it is so obvious to see that the recommendation "Always use sRGB" may not always be a good one Regards, jt
  5. I would like to second the demand of Urmas and others for color management in PTE. A professional AV program should offer it, like Proshow Producer and the (expensive) Austro-German competitors. I would like to see the Proshow options as shown in the SpyderBlog pointed out by davegee (with an additional option on embedded profiles), but also dynamic color management where conversions of images will take place during execution (causing some loss of performance). Regards, jt
  6. At a price of 200 $ (or €) you cannot expect much regarding image quality and large color spaces. A monitor at this low price will not even cover sRGB at 100%. I think that you have to look at a monitor like Dell U2413, or ever better, go for NEC or Eizo if you want to cover sRGB at 100% and AdobeRGB at almost 100%. Regards, jt
  7. If you link an audio clip to a particular slide, the clip will keep its position relative to this slide and all slides following it, when making changes at earlier positions. You may use this feature. Regards, jt
  8. Having 16:9 as default value for the AR would be OK for me (not an important subject). I would regard the new suggestions for "Cover" as over-organized. What should happen to a quadratic image? Why not having an option in the Editor section of the Preferences (or somewhere in the Project options) a default value for the mode of all new objects: Cover or Fit? I often use the mode Cover for portrait images, combined with a vertical pan BTW: I really do not like the notion of Slide in the Screen options (Fixed/Virtual size of slide), and in the Mode menu (Cover/Fit to slide) Regards, jt
  9. I agree! The same can be said on the screen options:I would prefer "Fixed/Virtual size of screen" (rather than "Fixed/Virtual size of slide"). In my opinion slide sounds outdated. Regards, jt
  10. I sometimes use a Startup Window with a copyright declaration. Of course, I know that there are workarounds Regards, jt
  11. What about this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joOv2BkO0eM ? Regards, jt
  12. I must admit that I have not jet come across this problem, as I have never used styles. In my opinion, styles are a kind of macros. You apply them, but they should not be part of the project. So when collecting all media to a single folder using the zip-backup, then all media should be there. This is what version A suggests. It is the minimal solution, and in my opinion it is a consistent solution, while version B is not. If we use images in a project which are outside the project folder (a notion that should be defined ), PTE does not copy these images. So, why should this happen with objects stored with styles? If you use 3 styles when creating a project, styles that may all contain an image, say "Background.jpg", but where all 3 backgrounds are different (though having the same name). There will be a problem with Solution B. I would never recommend to use different images with identical names, neither in the standard situation nor in styles. But as long as it is possible to do it, solution B cannot be the way to go. Regards, jt
  13. I agree with Mavi. A few additional options (such as fit/cover) in the Project options would be fine. But I doubt that the O&A window will be good for setting the default values, regarding new users. As I typically configure each slide for its own, I do not need any default values at all. Most of my new projects have an aspect ratio of 16:9 now, and my photos are 3:2 or 4:3. Hence I have to import the images with the cover slide option. But for each image I have to correct its vertical position individually. So changing the mode isn't a tremendous affair, as I have to go to O&A in any case. And I also do not need default animations, although I often use animations, but not in a monotonous way where all slides have a standard animation What I do not like in the present version is that the aspect ratio is in the main tab, but this parameter will be changed when setting the screen in the Screen tab. Aspect ratio and maximum screen resolution (a very important feature, presently called "Fixed size of slide" which I regard as an odd name) should again be in the same tab. Regads, jt
  14. You will receive an e-mail with project files and some additional information. Best regards, jt
  15. Does anybody know under which conditions we see "Waveform Errors", i.e. PTE opens a project and cannot show the waveforms (see screen shot). In the underlying project there are lots of audio clips. On my computer, the project exists twice, the original project, and a copy created via a zip-backup. First, only the original project showed the waveforms, while in the copy I saw the waveform errors. Then I cleared PTE's WaveCache, and restarted Windows. I opened the project copy, and PTE generated the corresponding waveforms. But then, when opening the original project, the waveform errors showed up there Regards, jt
  16. In the meantime, I have noticed that it actually is possible to do what I want to do. I only tried to link several clips on the same track to the same slide using the audio clips' context menus. There it does not work. If you link a second clip to some slide, the other clip pointing to this slide looses its link. But: If you set the links using the project options, it works. In the project options the corresponding slide numbers turn to red. Maybe that PTE dos not like these kinds of links. I don't know. Regards, jt
  17. I don't know, if this question has been discussed before: Why isn't it possible to link more than one audio clip on the same track to the same slide? Here a typical situation: You have a slide with a duration of, say, 25 seconds. You have, say, 12 short, non-overlapping sound clips associated to this slide (at carefully synchronized positions), all on the same track. Now you may link the first clip to the slide. In this situation you can move this slide with the mouse on the line of slides while all 12 clips follow correctly. But: You cannot copy this slide and paste it somewhere else, e.g. to another project. If you do it, you will loose 11 clips. Only the linked clip will follow. An awkward workaround: Put all 12 clips to 12 different tracks and link all of them. Another observation. If you delete your slide, only the linked clip will be deleted, as well. The other 11 clips will remain on their track :-( Regards, jt
  18. Go to: Settings > Preferences > Toolbars: Just verify if "Objects & Animation Editor" is ticked. You may move the button to that toolbar where you would like to see it. Regards jt
  19. When I create a large show that is divided into several chapters, I develop each chapter as a separate PTE project. The only restriction that I see here is that my chapters must have disjoint soundtracks. Once you have finished your chapters, it is an easy task to copy and past the chapters into a common project. You only have to take care that all audio clips in your chapters are links to a slide inside their chapters. In this case, copying the slides will copy the linked audio clips to their correct positions, as well. Regards, jt
  20. Hallo Nordlicht, natürlich ist es am besten, wenn man als Mac-Benutzer ein Programm hat, das auf dem Mac selbst läuft. Die genannten Alternativen sind aber wohl nicht so sehr zu empfehlen. Fotomagico scheint doch der Konkurrenz unter Windows weit hinterher zu laufen. Final Cut Pro ist ein nicht ganz billiges Programm für den Videoschnitt. Die demnächst erscheinende Version 9 von PTE wird wohl noch eine reine Windows-Version sein, wie aber hier gesagt, ist die Mac-Version nicht mehr so ganz in weiter Ferne. Das Programm von AquaSoft mag als Alternative erscheinen. Es ist auch gar nicht mehr so schlecht, wie mir scheint. Über Jahre konnte man im zugehörigen Benutzer-Forum aber erkennen, dass neue Versionen nie so gut getestet waren und es immer recht lange gedauert hat, bis die Kinderkrankheiten beseitigt waren. Und wenn das Programm dann endlich ganz gut lief, dann kam bald danach wieder eine neue Version, für die einerseits wieder etwas zu zahlen war und bei der die unfreiwillige Testerei wieder von vorne anfing. Vor kurzem hat AquaSoft die Version 9 der "DiaShow" herausgebracht (ca. 80 Euro). Kurze Zeit später kam dann die neue Version "Stages" (ca. 250 Euro), die angeblich kaum mehr kann als die DiaShow 9. Kunden, die schon die Version 9 gekauft hatten, mussten denselben, nicht gerade niedrigen Aufpreis für Stages zahlen, wie auch die Kunden früherer Versionen. Es hat den Anschein, dass AquaSoft seine Kunden in der nächsten Zeit in die hohe Preisklasse zu manövrieren gedenkt. Im direkten Vergleich glaube ich, dass PTE aufgrund der besseren Möglichkeiten für die Programmierung von Animationen die Nase vorn hat gegenüber AquaSoft. Zudem besteht ja die berechtigte Hoffnung für eine Mac-Version. Gruß aus München jt
  21. In Tom's project I open the Project Options, go to the Transitions tab, I un-tick Basic Transition, I click OK. The invalid floating point operation is indicated. I use PTE 8.0.12 on Windows 8.1 (fully updated). Regards, jt
  22. - I insert a video (2 minutes long) into the slide list. - I reduce the slide time to 5 sec. - I copy this slide and insert it a second time. - I declare the first instance of the video as Master video track. - I link the second one to the Master. - I insert several other subsequent slides including images. When starting the Preview, the audio part of the video does not stop. It plays while the subsequent images are shown. Is it a bug or a feature? Please do not post any workarounds! I am well aware how to handle the situation! Regards, jt
  23. Project options > Advanced > Synchronize soundtrack and slides Regards, jt
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