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Everything posted by jt49

  1. I have had similar experience: You post an answer to a question. Another user does the same, almost at the same time. Now there are two answers that cover the given question. But this is not the end of the story. Some time later, another user comes along, more or less summarizing what has been said. The original poster re-enters the scene, giving his thanks to this last poster. In my particular case I deleted my own post, leaving the message that posting had been a waste of time. Regards, jt
  2. Yes, I think so. You may look at a scene with small images that are zooming, starting blurred, and ending up sharp. In cases of that kind the border of the blurred images must be blurred as well, and in addition partially transparent. Regards, jt
  3. Dateien vom Typ PTEF stellen von Benutzern selbst definierte Überblendungseffekte dar. Über Bild einrichten > Spezielle Effekte > Eigene Überblendungen oder Projekt-Optionen > Effekte > Eigene Überblendungen kann man diese Effekte erzeugen, aber auch laden und danach anwenden. Leider ist der Text für die beiden Schaltflächen bei den Bildoptionen zu lang geraten und daher schlecht lesbar. Grüße aus München jt
  4. Thanks Eric and Dave, I have already solved the "problem" via editing my standard template. The funny observation: I used the same template with 8.0 and 8.0.1, and there the X for terminating the preview came together with the navigation bar. Regards, jt
  5. It seems that version 8.0.2 does not to remember the settings for the navigation bar. For each new project I have to activate the exit button anew. Regards, jt
  6. You must have lost the main aspect of the discussion above as the consequence of the ongoing and fruitless dispute which color space is the best one, and the bad advice to use sRGB in any case. You will obtain what you want to have, but only in one of the next versions. Some future version of PTE will have color management on the fly, see the topic here. At present time, PTE acts in a transparent manner. You have to feed PTE with images having the color profile of your output device. If you calibrate your output device according to a given fixed profile, then you may use it. If the output profile changes frequently, you need color transformation on the fly, and you have to wait for the new version of PTE. Regards, jt
  7. Sorry, but my former post #27 does not exist any longer. The attempt to correct one line in the new user guide (IMO an easy exercise) seems to be a big affair. I do not need this guide, so why wasting time? Regards, jt Sometimes there we see signs and wonders: My vanished post is back again
  8. Executable? I can't see it. It must have vanished in the air Regards, jt
  9. This my view: Ignore objects not selected: A feature with influence on the behavior of the O&A editor Transparent to selection: A feature of a particular object, to be transparent with respect to mouse clicks while the show is running Regards, jt
  10. Hi Lin, Quite a nice killer argument But the question remains open: Rotation Y - where is the axis of rotation? Best regards, jt Rot_Y_axis.zip
  11. What about reading the posts in this topic? Regards jt
  12. Merci beaucoup - vielen Dank! Grüße aus München jt
  13. Hi Lin, It is not my intention to present detailed descriptions on Euler angles in the user guide. But the version we see there sounds definite and precise while being incorrect. This is my concern. I agree that it is quite difficult if not impossible to be precise in this situation. So if we have to stay vague, the description should be vague, as well. Best regards, jt
  14. I don't know if this is the correct place for posting any kind of incorrectness in the Online Help. On the page "3D Parameters" we read: "Rotate Y “flips” an object/image about its vertical axis ...". The three rotations Rotate, Rotate Y, Rotate X constitute (if I got it correctly) a Tait-Bryan system with Z-Y'-X" convention. So Rotation Y does not always give a rotation around the image's own y-axis. You see this if you first set Rotate X to a value different from zero, and then perform Rotation Y. Regards, jt49
  15. I have some doubts that post in this forum should be restricted to the aspect of being helpful for beginners. Beginners may ask their questions, and we should give appropriate answers. But in cases where an experienced user asks for a definite rule, why not giving the answer Regards, jt
  16. Original text deleted. Sometimes the effort of writing posts is just a waste of time Regards, jt
  17. You should not compare button and checkbox. They are conceptually different.You can use a button now, and if you like it, you can use it again (some time later). What about a checkbox? You can tick it, and once it has been ticked, you cannot tick it again, but you may un-tick it. So you can toggle between two states. So once again I would like to ask the users who want to see here that kind of box: Please give a precise definition about the functionality of the box. Otherwise we are discussing the theory of the empty set. Regards jt
  18. Sorry, you did not say what the consequence of the ticked box should be. I see logical problems. The function of the button is clear: You press it, and the corresponding feature is applied to all slides. It changes the situation as it is just in this moment. Later you may make manual changes in some slides, the overall situation will change. Again, some time later, you may want to press the button again. There isn't anything permanent with the action of using the button, it is just an action at a particular moment. In my opinion a ticked box indicates something permanent, but the function "Apply to all slides" does not have a permanent nature. Regards, jt
  19. Please tell us in which places you want to see a checkbox, and precisely what should be its effect. Regards, jt
  20. Gary, I hope that we can agree that this is not am important issue. But I also see a difference in the two situations. In the toolbar settings we see a very compact, self-contained description, while in the timeline/slide-list we see the highlighted slide, and it is this slide that has been selected as the starting point of the preview. I use the toast quite often, but I must admit hat I do not look at the mouse-over message. Regards, jt
  21. To those of you who want to do a little exercise in the German language: There is a new article on PTE 8 in the German AV Magazine "AV-Dialog", see here. Regards, jt
  22. It would be easier for me to judge on the situation if you would extract the two slides form your project to an new project, and if you would show it to me (zip backup). You could attach it to a post in the forum, or make an upload and send me the link. Regards, jt
  23. The line spacing makes the situation a bit awkward. In cases where it has its default value zero, the situation is quite nice. For any font, if a single line has zoom value 20 (say), then with 4 lines (same font) the letters have the same size if the zoom value is set to 80 (4 times 20); so we have the rule of three or rule of proportion, here. If you want to have line spacing different from zero, you might set the line spacing values to zero first, then you can adjust the text sizes, and then set the spacing to the value you want to have. Regards, jt
  24. Inzwischen ist der Artikel über PTE 8 als Leseprobe verfügbar: http://www.av-dialog-magazin.de/pdf/PicturesToExe8.pdf Gruß aus München jt
  25. I think that at least in the second option where the output space is defined in advance, I would like to avoid transformations on the fly. Will there be problems with texts, rectangles, and others? Regards, jt
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