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Everything posted by jt49

  1. In den allermeisten Fällen sollte es so gehen: Mache eine Zip-Sicherung auf dem Notebook und packe diese auf dem Desktop aus, in einen Ordner, der dann alles enthalten sollte.
  2. What about applying the Quick Style in the source project, and copying the result into the destination project ?
  3. Depending on the situation, the new concept of "Quick Style" may be helpful.
  4. You can create a Template, as described by davegee, and in "Settings>Preferences>Templates" you can chose this Template for new projects, and the navigation bar should be switched off when starting PTE.
  5. Dann war es ja nur halb so schlimm Then it was only half as bad.
  6. Hast du versucht, den in der Mail enthaltenen Lizenzschlüssel bei Version 11.0.1 einzutragen? Did you try to enter the key into V11?
  7. As PTE 10, and lots of other programs (IrfanView, XnView, LibreOffice, Photshop, and many more) can show this image, the situation should be clarified
  8. My PTEAVStudio.exe also shows 17.01.2023 / 18:12 , and I think that it's ok (time when the exe was built or signed (?), not the time when it was copied onto my HD).
  9. This is an English forum. Please add an English translation (Deepl or Google Translator). From the forum rules: "WnSoft forum is an international forum. All messages must be in English only. It is acceptable that a post can be written in a foreign language and supplied with a full English translation. Exceptions are specialized sections of the forum that must use the language specified in the section title."
  10. On my PC with Windows 10 there are installed: PTE 9, 10, 10.5, and 11.0.1. I don't see the wrong behavior when opening Jill's projects. They open in 11.0.1.
  11. Sorry, but my remark refers to the fact that Igor (forum administrator) translated the comments of several French users, and it is my opinion that this is not Igor's job. I regard it as an unfriendly action to write messages in other languages than English. It would be much easier for me to write in German. But in this case all users who do not understand my language had to use a translator. So, it would be much better if all forum member would use the language that is mandatory here (See forum rules: "All messages must be in English only").
  12. I don't think that this is a job that should be left to the forum's administrator.
  13. I would guess that your slide 91 is non-KFSD, while the blank slide is KFSD, and the default duration is 5. In this case the effect that you see is quite normal. In my opinion the whole KFSD-stuff, and "Show full duration" are some kind of disastrous. It would never come to my mind to use them.
  14. ??? Add an English translation!
  15. This is difficult to judge for a given project. You may have changed the settings between the start of the project and now.
  16. Regarding your settings (with "Show full slide duration"), it does not look strange to me. The classical length of your slides seems to be 3.5 which gives a "full duration" of 5.0 for all slides followed by another one with a transition time of 1.5, and obviously the last slide then shows 3.5 as full duration.
  17. I would guess that you can use it with animated GIFs and similar objects
  18. https://www.wnsoft.com/en/pte-av-studio/old-versions/
  19. Presently we have to type the input for a Text Object (the text to be shown) into a text box in O&A. That's OK, but I would like an additional way for the text input: PTE should allow to specify a text file (*.TXT) containing the input (as an optional replacement for the text box). This would be very helpful if a project contains the same text object many times, and which the user would like to modify.
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  20. ... as an option: OK, but not mandatory.
  21. ???
  22. I don't see this effect on my rather old computer from 2013 (i7 CPU, NVIDIA 660, Windows 22H2, WUXGA Monitor).
  23. Thanks, here is a slightly corrected version: German.ini BTW, I normally use the English version
  24. I have used on top of the displacement map frames of the following kind: Grauer_Rahmen_30-20_16zu9.zip
  25. Version 11 does not show German expressions correctly if they contain an Umlaut (Ä,ä,Ü,ü,Ö,ö) Version 11: Version 10.5:
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