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Everything posted by jt49

  1. This is the problem: If someone writes in French all non-French speaking members have to use a translator (Deepl /Google). This is why I normally do not answer to those posts. IMO the original poster him/herself should deliver the translation From the forum rules: WnSoft forum is an international forum. All messages must be in English only. It is acceptable that a post can be written in a foreign language and supplied with a full English translation.
  2. A long-awaited feature
  3. I also had a similar problem. I was working with Jean-Cyprien's Block Style, using high resolution images. In O&A I tried to enlarge the area of the slide's timeline. While moving the cursor up the PTE window became grey und it had to be closed.
  4. The example in which I noticed the problem is now OK
  5. The attached project contains two slides. IMO they should look the same, but they don't. Alpha-Mask_inside_Displacement-Container.zip
  6. Just a recommendation: use Deepl or Google Translate
  7. I could reproduce this effect, as well.
  8. You may examine the attached project. Linear--Smooth--SmoothMove.pte
  9. Will PTE support a Z-buffer (sooner or later)?
  10. I would also recommend Lossless Cut. You typically do not cut exactly at the point where you may like it, but you cut without re-encoding. The precise cut you can do in PTE's timeline.
  11. Maybe foolproof, but IMO a bit cumbersome (whatever the correct word may be)
  12. Maybe a possible workaround : Create a separate PTE-project (call it Pool). Drag all objects from your image/video folder(s) into this project. Go to the full screen view of the Pool's slide list. There you can arrange things as you like it. You can also remove objects without deleting the original files. And you can use copy and paste to transfer things from the Pool to your real project.
  13. Typical formats seem to be .CUBE / .3DL / .CSP , and I would guess that CUBE is the most common one.
  14. Wouldn't it be fine if the future version of PTE would support LUTs (color lookup tables) for images and videos?
  15. In this particular case I would recommend "Lanczos Interpolation".
  16. I've just had a look at Paul's image at a screen seize of 1804x1200, using XnView, IrfanView and PTE. All three programs show different Moiré effects. They seem to use different methods for resampling. For this particular image, XnView is slightly better than PTE, while IrfanView is significantly better, almost avoiding the Moiré effect. Resizing the image to 1804x1200 in Photoshop and viewing the result at 100% gives about the same Moiré effect as with XnView.
  17. The zoom value refers to the height of the text box, not to the seize of the font. Start by writing each text in a single line; then adjust the zoom, and only then use mouse and return key to create the texts with more than one line. If line spacing is set to zero, a 2-line text should have double zoom.
  18. In many cases I have not been that happy with Ken's remarks. Auto save is quite a dangerous feature. Sometimes you make changes on a project, and some time later you regret having done them; but Auto save has already overwritten the original version. I normally work with some kind of simple version management, just by saving the project again and again, always using new names (MyProject_01, MyProject_02 ...).
  19. Sorry, but I did not refer to Open Office, but to Audacity. In Audacity, the history can easily be interpreted, and its much easier to go back several steps at the same time. BTW: I would regard OpenOffice as outdated. It cannot compare to LibreOffice.
  20. PTE offers us the buttons "Undo" and "Redo". Hence, PTE maintains some kind of history. It would be fine if the future version would give us a history list (as we know it from Audacity). The process of undoing would be much more comfortable.
  21. Thanks, it really works, but in complicated situations, a lot of additional work is to be done. An example is shown here.
  22. I have modified my style, and using Igor's remarks on data exchange, I could also transform it into a transition. Unrolling_image_with_blur_2.ptestyle Unrolling.pteeff
  23. It would be fine if it were possible to exchange data between the editors for transitions and O&A. Example 1: I have a slide with 2 main images, and I would like to copy the objects of this slide from the O&A Editor into the Transition Editor, and there I would like to replace the 2 main images by "Slide1" and "Slide2". Example 2: I have a custom transition, and I would like to copy the objects of this transition from the Transition Editor into the O&A Editor of some slide, and I would like to replace Slide1 and Silde2 by some (main) images.
  24. Trimming a video using the converter does not really provide a copy, as the result will be re-encoded. You can avoid re-encoding by trimming using the free software "LosslessCut".
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