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  1. Thanks lin, so i should make my Photo 1280x720 is this correct?
  2. i have made a one song one photo slide in pictures to Exe. The photo has my watermark on it, but when i upload the one photo one song slide to Youtube the photo gets cropped. What size do i need to make my photo so this won't happen. Thanks.
  3. Thanks again everyone!
  4. One more Question. When i added the extra jpegs for the Text(story) using Photo Shop, i wanted to add some bullet characters to some of the text but i couldn't find a way of doing this in PS. If i type my story out in word or open office, which makes it much easier then PS to add (bullet characters) Is there a way of adding this document to the slide show? and would it be the same size as my jpegs?
  5. Hi Lin, No i wasn't stopping he sound for the text jpegs. I have let the music run. I have the slide show finished so Thanks to everyone for your input and advice. The finished show isn't that Bad for a first timer, but i must say when i copied it to a DVD and played it back on a TV and and a PC the quality wasn't great, the once very sharp images are not so sharp now. A Question Would the quality be any better if i use memory sticks instead of DVD's to give out to friends?
  6. Hi Lin, each slide is 6 seconds long and then i have 9 other jpegs with (a story)on each one, these are various lengths to give time to the viewer to read the txt/story. I was thinking of fading one songs into another as a DJ would do.
  7. Thanks every one, Peter,Davegee. I will get there sometime. Question... my slide show is 11.22 mins long and i have three songs on it, but the songs finish 1.20mins before the slide show. Now i don't want to add a forth song as three is enough for this slide show, so is there a way that i can shorten one of the songs already on the slide show? Thanks again.
  8. Thanks for that Davegee. The res of the images are 250 and the Image size are 4752X3168. My monitors res is 1280x1024. Loosing quality would be a big Deal as its a slide show, with photographs, so if there not right i might as well throw my hat at it! I have spoken to my friend and she has said the best option would be to have the slide show ready for viewing on a PC or laptop monitor. so if you can advise me on the appropriate way to go about this i would be very happy. Thanks again. Signed, Novice. I currently reside in the Irish Republic.
  9. Thanks for that Lin. My friend would like to give a few copy's of the finished slide show to her friends. I'm not sure if they will be viewing it on their TV's or just on their PC. I had just suggested to her that she could put it on DVD as it would be handy for everyone to get a copy and it would be easy to reproduce? I would hate to loose any quality in the Images. If you can suggest what would work best for PC viewing and TV viewing that would be great. Is it possible to copy the finished slideshow to various storage devices DVD's, CD's etc? So when the show is finished if someone says that they will be watching it on their PC or TV can i copy it to the correct storage device for their chosen viewing device.
  10. And one more question! Do i need to change my aspect ratio which is currently set to 4:3 for DVD viewing?
  11. Thank you Very, Very Much Lin, I will try everything you have suggested and see how i get on. Just one question, When i make a blank jpeg image should it be the same dimensions/size as the rest of the photos? or does this matter. Thanks Again, this means so much to my Friend and I.
  12. Hi All, I have just come on board and im new to this forum. So apologies in advance if i sound like a novice, because i am. I have just purchased the full version of PTX as a friend of mine who is very sick at the moment has asked me to Make a slideshow of some personal photos of theirs so they can show it on DVD at some point. I have around 140 photos which are all around 1.50MB. I would like to add music maybe two or three tracks depending on how long the slide will be and i would like to zoom or pan on a couple of the photos. I want to section the photos into groups of 20 or 30 and i would like to add some Txt (a little story) before each Group of photos. I would be grateful of any help or assistance on this my first attempt at a slide show. Time is of the essence here, so any help would be gratefully appreciated. Jerome.
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