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Dave Kjaer

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Everything posted by Dave Kjaer

  1. Hello Tom Sorry missed your reply - yes I have used the PTE optimizer but no joy. Regards Dave
  2. Hello Dave G Thanks for your reply - I'm not sure if my video card is integrated or shared but its a ATI Radion HD3200. Regards Dave Hello Brian Thanks for your reply - outside of Photoshop, Word and E-mails I am a bit of a novice so I will wait until I see a friend (advanced PC user) on Thursday or Friday before I investigate your suggestions. It does appear to me that a lot of users who try to run a .exe slideshow which includes video clips are going to have the same problem as I have just spoken with another user who says it only works on one (purchased a few weeks ago) of his two laptops. Regards David
  3. Thank you Lin for your prompt reply. My desktop has the same version of Direct X as my HP laptop (newer machine than my desktop) version 11 and I can play other video clips (much larger) on my laptop no problem. I have just spoken to a friend who has the same problem it will play on his desktop and only one (a very new Acer) of his 3 laptops. Maybe a bug that needs fixing. Just thought that I may try when the box 'Optimization of Video Clip' comes up just using the original file and see if that works. Regards David
  4. I have just dropped a movie clip into one of my shows and it works fine when I open thee .exe file on my desktop (Windows 7 Pro 64 bit 8GB RAM) However when I play it on my HP laptop (Windows 7 Home 64 bit 4 GB RAM) the movie clip stutters so badly it is not useable. Any suggestions - thank you. Dave
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