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Everything posted by Peggy

  1. I've put together a slide show and it looks and sounds great, however the music skips a few times. Very minor skips but I'd like to know what I can do to get rid of them. The file is an mp3 and I reduced the bitrate to 92, so it's a small sound file. Thanks
  2. Wow! Thanks for all the replies. I purchased Pictures to Exe in June, I think. I'm still waiting for a response about my registration code so I can't download a new version without paying again - which I don't want to do until I'm sure I can get this to work how I want I will try all your suggestions - reducing the size of the files, converting to MP3 and let you know how it goes. Thanks so much for all your help! Peggy
  3. I purchased Picturestoexe some time ago and didn't do much with it. Now I am serious about putting together a professional slide show but I can't seem to get it to work properly. I put the slide show together - no problem I burn to a cd - no problem I play the cd on this computer - the music skips once I play the cd on another computer - the music skips a few times I play the cd on another computer - it takes almost 3 minutes to come up then the music skips many times. I bring the cd back on this computer - it takes almost 10 minutes to come up and the music skips constantly. I've tried it twice with similar results. I can't get the original cd to work at all anymore on any computer. The slide show on the computer works fine. ---------- I thought maybe it is my cd burner but I can't find the registration key to put Picturesto exe on my other computer. I sent an email to wnsoft yesterday and haven't heard back yet. ------------------- I am using wav files and checking the option to not be able to copy the photos. ---------- Thank you for your help! Peggy
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