Hi I read that is posible to do a project with slides in different locations on the hard disk and PTE can create a folder with the slides used. How it's made? MUR
Hi Lin I agree, I use this method of stacking multipes images, with small displacements of z and light rotations around x and y, for small thicknesses, like a coin. MUR
Hi davegee Sorry, I did it without any problem, modify the envelope, decreasing the volume in certain areas, but the original audio of the video is still there, unchanged, . How can I silence it? MUR
Hi all. Is there any way to modify the envelope of the sound that is part of a videoclip within PTE? . I separate the sound and modified it in Audacity and then integrated in the project as a normal soundclip, but it is very cumbersome. MUR
I agree ....... but is there any date, to start the betas? We know that the team of Igor got into something complicated, this question is not pressure, is only interest. MUR