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  1. Thank you for taking the time to comment, i do appreciate it. One of the problems on the day was 'no wind' - They had real problems on the day and some of the bigger kites were only up for a short time. Yes, I would have liked more 'people' shots, but sometimes it is difficult to take shots of people especially kids without being challenged. The music ? well, I liked to introduce new slides on the beat and this has a very definite beat to it. I did try with more slides originally but it didn't seem to fit the music then. It seems to sit well with some and not with others... such is life I suppose. I will also try not to crop too close next time - point taken Thanks for your comments, I'll bear them in mind for the next one
  2. Hello all, After many hours of reading and viewing many fine slideshow sequences on this site I have finally completed my first serious Audio Visual.... Or at least my first that I am happy to put up on this site. I had a great time learning how to use PTE The camera I use is a Canon 450D with mainly a Canon 15-85mm USM and some images were taken with my Tamron 70-300SP It is a zipped file as has been recommended to me as the best way to transfer files I'd love your comments - good or otherwise... https://www.yousendi...DZ2dmVFpvSWNUQw Gerry
  3. Dave, Your "Toggle Ctrl+Shift+P on an image in O+A" fix is magic, what a time / space saver that is, Thanks You !
  4. A double click on a slide on my machine brings up the customize slide dialogue Running V7.03 on Windows 7 64 bit
  5. Eric, O,K, I get the idea that its not possible and my pc is too far from my tv to use a cable. It's not really worth buying a laptop to view a few slideshows - unless you'd like to convince my Wife otherwise LOL So I'll stay with viewing on pc from now To all - Thanks for all of your comments / suggestions regards PM
  6. Dave, There wasn't anything sinister in this request. I merely thought it would be better to view some of the fine examples in this forum on a widescreen HD Tv instead of a 23 inch HD monitor. I have viewed my own on TV and that's why I thought it would be better to view others on a larger screen. Thanks for your interest and help PM
  7. Thanks Ken,but I should have been a little clearer with which way I intended to do it. My PC is a desktop in another room. I can transfer the file via usb memory stick or SD card but don't have a direct connection.
  8. Hello, I'm not sure if this question is in the correct section or not... I have downloaded some of the excellent slideshows from this section and would like to watch them on my TV Does anyone know of a converter - preferably free - that will convert the EXE file to a format that I can view on TV ?? Thanks in anticipation. I've tried searching with little success Thanks
  9. Eric, Your slideshow bought back fond memories of our recent trip back to Liverpool - in particular it was my first visit inside of the Cathedral. It's difficult to comprehend the vastness once inside. Your slideshow it excellent, we found it fascinating to watch. Here is an image taken early evening when we were there http://www.mediafire.com/i/?0kg32nh6n62n12w Cheers
  10. Just to confirm that I purchased my copy a few weeks back and all went very well, no problems at all.
  11. Ray, I've attempted the hard copy of Rubiks cube and failed... and failed... and failed Please don't subject me to a software version also ! You must be very patient to even attempt such a project ! Cheers
  12. Barry, That four letter word just paid for my copy of Picture to Exe I've just sent you a message via email - seems we have a mutual acquaintance Cheers
  13. BBDigital, I'm Northside Brisbane actually.. I was up the Sunshine Coast (Caloundra) just yesterday working.
  14. Thanks to you all for your replies. Looking through some of your slideshows I can see that the uses that can be made is only limited by imagination. Certainly whatever the imagination can conceive, P2E seems to be the software to achieve the results Thanks again PestMaster
  15. Outstanding Colin, Thank you for taking the time to produce such a great piece
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