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Found 5 results

  1. Is it possible to have in Project Options the possibility to have the choice of a font by default for Text Object? Pierre
  2. Previous versions of PicturesToExe are placed on WnSoft website: http://www.wnsoft.com/picturestoexe/old-versions/
  3. How do I add an attachment to my post? First you need to be aware that the PTE Forum imposes a maximum file size limit (of 2MB) on any attachment. There is no limit on how many attachments you have in a post or on how much file space, in total, your attached files take up on the Forum server. When thinking about attaching a file to a post, please remember that not all users are on high-speed connection to the Internet. For the benefit of these users, and to keep the file space usage under control, it is strongly recommended that you zip your files. To add a file as an attachment to your post when replying to an existing post, proceed as follows: - Use the Add Reply button - In the Attachments area, click on the Browse button - Navigate to the file that you have prepared, select it and click the Open button - Now click the Attach this File button and wait until PTE has finished uploading the file to the server (It will show a thumbnail icon) - Finally click on the Add to Post link - Now key the rest of your text around this link and preview and send your post in the usual way.
  4. How do I make the most of my Forum membership? 1. Register yourself with a userid and then visit the Forum daily. If your Internet browser is set to accept and retain cookies then, each day simply click on the View New Content link and read the new topics and new replies to existing topics. If your Internet browser is set to decline cookies or cleans them out after each usage then you will have to look for the new posts yourself. The Forum displays posts in "most recently updated first" order so this is quite easy to do. Browsing the Forum for several days or even a couple of weeks will give you a feel for the sort of topics that are being discussed, the quality of the answers to questions and the etiquette of the Forum. You will also see different styles of posting and replying. By doing this you will also start to learn, in more detail, about using PTE and its various features. 2. Study the FAQs. Many questions get asked over and over again. Pre-prepared answers to some of these are now being made available and more will follow. If you have a particular problem, ask your question in the appropriate part of the Forum. We’re all here to help one another to the best of our abilities.
  5. How do I reply to a post on this Forum? To reply with just a simple text reply, scroll to the bottom of the webpage and key your reply into the Fast Reply area. Use the Post button to send it to the forum. You have some editing options and features available via the row of icons at the top of the input box (things like: bold, underscore, italic, centered, bulleted, indented, etc.); just hover the mouse over each icon to find out what it is for. Stay with this technique until you feel thoroughly comfortable with it. Then you can move on to more advanced reply techniques. To include a quote of the original post in your reply you click on the Reply button at the bottom of the post. A new webpage will open with an input field that has the quoted text already loaded into it. Note that the quoted text is enclosed within tags. It is usually a good idea to reduce the quoted text down to just that part of the original post that is relevant to what you are going say in your reply. In English it is customary to indicate missing words at the start and end of a quote with the ellipsis symbol (…) For more information about replying to posts, and posting in general, see the Help pages:
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