I have been searching for a list of command line parameters to be used with exe-s. So far I have found a special section in v7.5 help and in the forum under color management discussion: - cover (fullscreen mode) If your slideshow aspect ratio does not match the output screen, you still can use full screen, but have to accept some cropping. - display X (x is number of the display). Useful in case of multi-display settings. Say you have another display (projector) as extended display and want to show your presentation on the extended display. - slide X (X is the number of the slide to begin) Color management specific: -noicc - disable color management and color profiles of images (works as PTE 8). -icc srgb - use sRGB color space -icc adobergb - use AdobeRGB color space -icc - use current monitor profile -icc profilename.icc/icm - use custom color profile which is located in same folder with EXE.
Is that list comprehensive or are there some more commands that can be used with exe?