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Found 2 results

  1. Hi folks, I decided to create a cube style and in doing so, I realized that we really never discussed all the different things possible with this type thing. Igor and the developers gave us a cube style in the Experimental Styles category and my style is created in an almost identical way. Only the controlling frame animation is different so what I show you in this video applies to both my new style and the PTE default cube style. What I explain in this video is that you can not only put still images on your cube, but you can also put up to six videos as sides. You can mix still images, animated gif images and videos on the various sides. I also show you how the adjust the position and/or size of the video or still image. It's just something some may want to play with and can be a fun thing for an introduction to a show, etc. Best regards, Lin Lin's Cube Style For Images or Videos.ptestyle
  2. Hello all! I am new here and my English is limited (from Germany). I searched a lot, where I can ask questions about PTE. Hope, that someone here is able to help me. I am working with the deluxe version. First question is: I don`t know exactly, how to "create" or work with the cube. May be, someone is from Germany and can explain it to me in my mother language? Second question is: some weeks ago, it was not sure, that my computer would functioning properly. I was lucky enough, that all was o.k. at least. But what would have happened, i f the PC would have collapsed? Is ist possible then, to install PTE on a new computer? Thank you for answering and please: as simple as possible, so that I am able und understand. Greetings from Viola
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