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Found 4 results

  1. Hi, I unfortunately lost the project version of most of my P2E shows when I changed the file structure on my computer (PC). I only have the saved EXE shows, with music. It would be too much work to re-create them. My HP Notebook that would normally have played the EXE shows on my TV has stopped working. Is there any way to save the EXE shows in a way that I could put them on a USB stick, such as an AVI format, to play them on my TV directly from the USB? I can only see that this can be done in Pictures to EXE from a project. Any suggestions? Thanks a lot, Carol
  2. Hi PTE 8 worked grat util yesterday. Today I have an error message and it won't create exe. I re-installed, restarted the computer but the issue remains Any idea ?
  3. For Mac users that want to run the odd Windows program, without having to install 'VM Fusion' or 'Parallels' (and then install Windows), there is a potential solution with a free mac app called Winebottler. I had an old Windows exe file, a slideshow created with 'Pictures To Exe' (PTE). I didn't have the original PTE file and therefore was never able to create a Mac version. In order to view the slideshow I had to start up VM Fusion and Windows, on my Mac. With Winebottler I was able to create a Mac app version. The original Windows exe was 26MB, the Mac app version is 110MB, but it works! http://winebottler.kronenberg.org
  4. Guest

    Creating a Menu

    I have just returned from presenting my Spring AV show to our residents. The show had 14 exe files from various sources & compiled into a menu in my usual way. After the third exe finished instead of returning to the menu page, I got a distorted green shimmering screen. The menu is a manual version of the auto menu I posted last week. To get rid of the green screen I had to use the escape key & re-initiate the menu exe. This happened after the following exe so I resorted to initiating each remaining exe manually & all played & finished correctly. I don't know if this is a bug, my hardware or something to do with series 8? The menu is just under 1GB. The menu was constructed on my new desktop & transferred to the laptop via a memory stick, it was fully tested on the desktop before transferring, & last Saturday tested on the LT, where I was ending the exe's early using the esc key & experienced a similar phenomena a couple of times, but put it down to not letting the exe's end naturally. I've just checked the help files & can't find a "construct a menu" section. So the question is has anyone had any similar problems? I will test the LT tomorrow using a menu constructed to run automatically to the menu page, with the menu page set to loop as described in my demo last week & report back.. Yachtsman1.
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