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  1. I am wondering if Pictures To Exe have gone bust. It looks like the forum is still up but I ordered pictures to exe over a month ago; my credit card has been charged but I still have not got an unlock code. I did post on the support site asking why I haven't had my code. Because to be quite honest I do not think a public forum is the place for this type of query. Believe me it really has to be a last resort for me to do this. Needless to say my support question also went unanswered. I have checked my spam software and junk folders but nothing is in there. I also got in touch with the people who charged my card but have also had no response from them To be clear this has gone on so long now that I no longer want the software because I have been forced to buy a competitors product. Has anyone else had a problem getting responses from them I am now after a refund; and this is the last chance before using my Bank to grab the money back.
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