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  1. Jean Cyprien has given us a delightful and complex style which lets the user quickly create an animated Rubick's Cube with one's choice of aspect ratio 16:9 background and their choice of any six square images. Just to reiterate the process: 1. Insert your choice of 16:9 aspect ratio image as the first slide. This will be your background image. 2. Insert six more images of a square aspect ratio of a reasonable size such as 600x600 or 800x800 pixels. 3. Check "Main Object" in Properties Tab of Objects and Animations for each of the seven slides. 4. Select all seven slides. 5. Apply the Rubick's Cube style and wait until 25 new slides are created - That's it! Replace the background image with a video 1. Note the display times for each of the 23 new slides created and write them down because you will need to re-enter these values for each slide later 2. Click on slide one to select then go to Objects and Animations Screen Animations Tab 3. Observe that at the bottom of the Objects List you will see "Reference Image." This is the background slide. Click on it to select then set the "Opacity" to zero. The background for this slide will turn black. 4. Repeat the above for each of the 23 slides so that all slides now have a black background. 5. Select an appropriate video. I suggest that it be "Converted" by PTE for best playback and smoothness. The video will need to be equal to or slightly longer than the Rubick's Cube animation which is ~ one minute and 25 seconds long. 6, Add this video to slide one on the bottom layer underneath the word "one" and mark it in the Properties Tab as "Master Video Track." 7. Copy this and paste to each of the other 22 slides. Select and use Keyboard Shift PgDn to place it underneath the object "reference image." 8. Go to the Slide List and select the first slide in the Rubik's Cube animation. Look at the list of times for each slide which you previously wrote down and find the first slide display time. It should be 12 seconds. Click on Slide Options and on the Main Tab change the display time for this slide to the proper display value as indicated on your list. In this case 12 seconds. 9. Repeat the steps done in #8 above for each subsequent slide and make certain that on every slide except slide one, the video is set to "Link To:" (your video file name) 10. Save your work and preview. You should now have a continuously running video in place of the background image for the Rubik's Cube animation. That's it folks....
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