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Found 10 results

  1. Any thoughts about creating animated text for titles using text created in Photoshop and saved as PNG? I know I can do it directly in PTE AV with the standard text by checking the "Animation" box and for instance picking "Dissolve Smooth". However, I want fancier beveled text that I can create in Photoshop and save as a transparent PNG file. I assume that the only way to create a similar automation would be by using a mask and moving it slowly to display the text. Am I correct or has somebody come up with a better / different way to do it? Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.
  2. Hello I am wondering if there are any specific guidelines for using IPTC to populate a text box in the objects and animation section? So far I have not had any success with "caption" which I presume refers to IPTC "description". The metadata exists and can be found by DXO or Imatch but does not seem to pull through from tiff files within PTE. In fact no IPTC seems to show. I use sidecar files - not sure if this is an issue though as the IPTC is embedded anyway. PTE latest version, Windows 10 Any suggestions appreciated. Thank you. B
  3. Hi, I have an issue at the moment with “TEXT” when publishing an .exe or a video. The text either does not appear or is restricted in content (i.e. – instead of “Pictures” I might get “ctur” or sometimes nothing). I am only using a short title of one or two words at a moderate scale. I am also using Text comment templates (for slide info) on the same slide but clearly at a different location from the basic text. When running a preview, it is ok, only when publishing does the problem appear. Any ideas.
  4. Hello, I've searched the forum for a possible solution, but wasn't able to find one. ( Didn't want to be newbie that just asked questions without searching ) Not that it matters, but I used PXE all the way back in 2010, then switched to Proshow Producer. My version has just crapped out. OK, on to the question. I am zooming the image, but the text is enlarging along with the image. I don't want that. I was able to precisely place and size the text for the slide using Objects and Animation. I was able to zoom the image using Styles & Themes. Is there a way to "detach" the zooming of the image from the text that I missed? Thanks.
  5. Greetings to all, among the various options concerning the text, I could not find the possibility to control the spacing of the characters, known as “kerning”. Is this feature present?
  6. I have made a slide show of photos from a trip to Venice. After selecting styles and getting the timing perfect, I need to add simple text to a few slides. It has been my experience that adding text (through objects & animations) negates the style I have selected. Is there a work around for this?
  7. I want text on each slide to be uniform. The help text says Choose a Font from the dropdown Menu and other attributes such as Bold, Italic, Underlined and/or Color. Clicking on “Save and use by default” will memorize these settings for future use. I cannot find “Save and use by default” on any of the screens in Objects and Animation or in Project options. Please point me in the right direction.
  8. Hi, I know how to put appearing lines of text over a still image. Have the first line of text on the image, copy image and have the first and second line on the image, copy image for first, second and third line etc. But how do I do this over a video that is playing. I assume that I have to put the text lines on a number of transparent backgrounds. Can this be done within PTE? I tried to find it in the help files but did not find it. Can somebody point me in the right direction please. Thanks, Bert
  9. I have a sequence on WW1 with 400 plus slides with nearly all having text added in the Project File via Objects & Animation. Is there anyway the slides with text on them can be printed with the photos on the same slide. In other words is it possible to print out the project file please?
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