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Found 4 results

  1. Hi, I am looking for some feedback from members on their experiences in using PTE with Zoom. I do understand and accept that it will never be perfect but have recently been very disappointed with the performance of a particular sequence which runs very smoothly on a PC in either .exe or MP4 format. I am aware of individual band width issues and that there may be little that can be done about that. When “broadcast” over Zoom by a colleague to a large group, the transitions between still images was, for me, at my end, diabolical (digital breakup is the best that I can describe it as). Video was stuttered. Not everybody appeared to have had it as bad an experience as I did. But that may have been in part down to the expectation of the individual. Also, I now suspect that it may also be to do with the quality of the computer. I was using my laptop at the time. I have run several tests today between myself and a colleague both as transmitter and receiver. Both of us have high speed fibre broadband and we both find a definite drop in quality when receiving. Not as bad as I had experienced before but bad enough. The still transitions and particularly the video are both jumpy. Any thoughts? Thanks, in anticipation. John PS - I now seem to recall somewhere reading NOT to use long fades?
  2. Hi With meetings on hold, I am being asked frequently to present to groups, camera clubs mainly, via a 'live' video conference link using e.g. Zoom or Webex. My question: has anyone else tried the various output formats with video conferencing? Which works best? I have tested showing a compiled .exe sequence with music, and sound is fine but slow transitions appear very jumpy at the audience end. Most of my productions use manual input via a presenter device to advance the images, with occasional self-running segments. I am experimenting with both recorded narrative and live voiceover. I'd like to keep manual control as an option for live presenting so compressed video is not ideal. Any thoughts welcome. best regards ... Ken
  3. Hello, I've searched the forum for a possible solution, but wasn't able to find one. ( Didn't want to be newbie that just asked questions without searching ) Not that it matters, but I used PXE all the way back in 2010, then switched to Proshow Producer. My version has just crapped out. OK, on to the question. I am zooming the image, but the text is enlarging along with the image. I don't want that. I was able to precisely place and size the text for the slide using Objects and Animation. I was able to zoom the image using Styles & Themes. Is there a way to "detach" the zooming of the image from the text that I missed? Thanks.
  4. Hi folks, I like to add what is known as the 'Ken Burns' effect to every slide. Typically this is just 100% to 101% using a key frame. This very slight zoom effect adds, I believe, just that slight motion that is pleasing to the eye. If the overall transition is short, ( <3 secs) then I add 100% to 101%. If the overall transition is long ( > 3 secs) I like to add 100% to 102 or sometimes ( > 7 secs) 103%. The only way I can see of doing this is to edit each slide individually. I was wondering if I was missing a trick here. Is there an easier way of doing this? Clearly; a show with 70 images takes some time, adding a keyframe for every single image.
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