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Hi All

As someone who has followed the forum for many months, this is my first post (Anywhere!!). Despite searching and reading all the previous posts, I still cannot grasp the principle (and use) of using one-pixel slides in presentations.

Can someone out there explain the concept to me - simply but thoroughly?


Well, it was really a long time ago and many PTE new versions came out, so I think you don't need this 1 pixel trick we were using when we didn't want any image on our slide, or at least not in the center. So we used the almost unvisivle 1 pixel image. This was when we still lived in caves but in our modern days we just uncheck the "Show Image" on left of images list. Or in other words, we use the wall switch to turn the light on instead of using the firestones. The best thing in progress is that you can still use the 1 pixel trick, same way as you can still use the firestones.


Stu, that's exactly what was on my mind - what if we really want to run two presentations side by side ? Very useful for tutorials or for family album, for example, on left side runing "My Weding" and on right side "My divorce".

I hope Igor will add this feature one day : "Start show at X,Y".



I guess as with all features ... the X,Y setting may come about in time.

It may really be a bit too soon for X,Y possibilities .... since many members have enough to learn with 1 show running correctly. Can you imagine how many more will have issues trying to run 2 or more at the same time ... and from a CD ! :o

But Im game :P

... and from a CD !

Stu, did you forget there are some utilities which run the show from the Hard Drive ? ;) I was thinking more of runing one PTE show on one side and a text utility in a narrow column on other side so we'll have pictures to go with text, this can be great for my Travel Guide books.


Sorry you digressed somewhat - but it seems I don't need to know about the single pixel image. So glad it's something else I can let go and concentrate on the many virtues of the latest version. Thanx anyway.



Stu, did you forget there are some utilities which run the show from the Hard Drive ?

No, I didnt forget. As that may only be the most reliable way to use multple running applications. Even then the creator has to use proper show building techiniques ... otherwise its freeze frame and muliple skips and stutters.

I was was just making a general point as to unexperienced users creating mutliple synch music shows running from a CD ... and wondering why it doesnt function correctly.

Oh well, have a good weekend !

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