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The quality of DVDs produced via PTE and Video Builder are very poor quality. Not necessarily in definition (that seams to be OK) but in contrast as all the examples I have tried seam over bright with most highlights burnt out. I have also tried to 'Create' a AVI file using the "HD Video for PC" option but this drops to the task bar and does nothing, even when left for hours!

Has anyone else experienced this or found a work-around?


If you are using the TV representation of your DVD as a guide then it is possible that your TV is set to something like VIVID or similar which does not suit the purpose. Experiment with the different settings and you might find a more suitable one?

Regarding HD Video application do you have PTE Deluxe? What size MPEG4 are you trying to produce and what are your system resources?



My wife complains that my p2e projects appear better on the PC than on the TV.

My original images are set to 1024px x 768px @ 72px per inch.

Am I missing something or is the difference inevitable


The reason for this is that you are reducing the 1024x768 images to 720x576 (or 720x480) to make the DVD and then upscaling them to the resolution of your TV.

Worse case scenario:

From 1024x768 down to 720x576 and back up to 1080 high.

It's inevitable!

If you connect your PC/laptop to your TV and play the Preview or EXE then the downscaling does not occur.


If you are using the TV representation of your DVD as a guide then it is possible that your TV is set to something like VIVID or similar which does not suit the purpose. Experiment with the different settings and you might find a more suitable one?

Regarding HD Video application do you have PTE Deluxe? What size MPEG4 are you trying to produce and what are your system resources?


Hi Dave

I am using a 2.4Ghz P4 with 2Gb RAM and PTE 5.6.4 Delux - I selected H.264 SD(1024x768) with Quality set to Medium but I have tried other setting with the same result.

The reason for this is that you are reducing the 1024x768 images to 720x576 (or 720x480) to make the DVD and then upscaling them to the resolution of your TV.

Worse case scenario:

From 1024x768 down to 720x576 and back up to 1080 high.

It's inevitable!

If you connect your PC/laptop to your TV and play the Preview or EXE then the downscaling does not occur.


Should I then not reduce to 1024 x 768, and if so what would you suggest


to put it bluntly -- it aint apples and apples - it is apples and oranges

the show is going to look better on your monitor because it is made differently than the tv

unless you have the latest state of the art high defintion tv connected to your computer via hdmi, vga or svhs cabling and then it becomes a diffent situation

-- on my setup, svhs connected to a ws hd tv, the monitor is still better but not by much - you have to look close and know what to look for to see the difference

for more info on subject see





My suggestion is to not make DVDs.

If you MUST make DVDs then the loss of quality is inevitable.

The OPTIMUM resolution is the NATIVE RESOLUTION of your computer monitor.

Then connect your computer/laptop to your TV (preferably via HDMI or DVI as Ken indicated).




You could try installing 5.7.2 and trying that (save project as DIFFERENT NAME IN 5.7.2!).

If it is still the same, post a query to Igor in the 5.7 thread - explain the problem and that it also happens to you in 5.6.


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