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Since I remember other members also asked for this utility, I am trying to make it. But I need your help as to tell me the screen savers folder in other operating systems. I made a beta test which can install the screen saver in win95/8 and XP. Please check it and let me know.

The utility will look for your screen saver on the Cd, then copy it to the screen savers folder (under original name) and run it from there. If your screen saver was already installed, it will only run it. The utility will close when you click the install button.

In this test version there are two install buttons for each operating system but I hope to make the final version to run invisible with no need to click any button, just insert the Cd and everything will be done by itself.

I have tested it on a Cd and it works. If you want to test it too, put your screen saver .scr file (only one file !) on the root of the CD together with this utility and add the "autorun.inf" which I included in the zip.

Download here: InstallSS.zip

Waiting for your help to finish this one.



New and better Version of "ScreenBaby" was uploaded to my site.

Check this page: Screeny.html



on my win xp home, it appears that


is the main home for scr

but i believe some programs the come with a scr feature will store it elsewhere


I have scr's in both locations wasting space, but the grandkids like them so they stay ;)


if my memory serves me right win95 and 98 store them in the system folder


lot of "but's" to this challenge :rolleyes:

happy labour day to all the forum members

raining here B)



Thanks Granot-

I knew you would rise to the challenge! Such a utility would really be useful. I look forward to testing it out. It may be useful to leave buttons for installation to different OS's to give client a choice and to use on different machines.

BTW in Win 2K Pro, scr. files are stored in C:\WINNT\System32

Thank you in advance




After 3 years of my asking over and over, someone's finally going to do this! Thank you! As you know, in Win 98, the folder is C:Windows\System. Will this program be able to be activated by a clickable button from within a P2E show to install the screensaver? Looking forward to using this.


In this test version there are two install buttons for each operating system but I hope to make the final version to run invisible with no need to click any button, just insert the Cd and everything will be done by itself.
It may be useful to leave buttons for installation to different OS's to give client a choice and to use on different machines.

Yes, I think let user choose is better, but I need to know where to in all operating systems. As for now I know only these:

Win 95/98, - C:Windows\System


Win 2K - C:\WINNT\System32

What if there are several screensavers to choose from on CD? Can utility be adapted to install chosen one (or more)?

Maybe in future versions.

Will this program be able to be activated by a clickable button from within a P2E show to install the screensaver?

Yes, by using "Run external application" in a customized show or at end of show using "Run application and exit".

I am still waiting for your help information as for screensavers folders in other operating systems.




Come on All !

There can't be many more OS's around for Boxig to incorporate into his screensaver utility - I would anticipate Win98ME and SE to use the same directory for scr. files. I wouldn't want this one to fall off the page before something comes out of it.

Can we not run with what we have for the moment?



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