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Does anyone know if it will be possible to make mac compatible auto run CD's using PTE 5.7 on which the slideshows are menu driven? I posted this in a reply elswhere, http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....showtopic=10176 but I do need an answer quite quickly because of forward planning so please accept my apologies for the repetition.



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Im not into producing products for Macs so I have no experience to relay ... but here is a few links to facts concerning making Autorun CDs for Macs which isnt too promising. Search the internet for others or possible alternative ways others may have found to work around the Autorun issue.

Mac AutoStart Facts


Autorun CD-ROM for Win and Mac - Roxio Community


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Thanks for the info nobeefstu, I'll look into the autorun issues. My biggest concern is the menu part of the question so hopefully someone will come up with some info on that soon.


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