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Would it be possible for one of the MacIntosh users to write a quick tutorial on just how to export, save and zip up a PTE show for the Mac?

I have friends who use Intel based MacIntosh computers and I would like to send a few of them some of my slideshows samples to see how well they work on the Mac but I'm uncertain of what to send them exactly. If I create a folder to put the MacIntosh output in, I get a total of 9 folders including the one I create as seen below:


I assume all are needed, do I just zip the folder and which one??

Best regards,



Hi Lin,

This is actually so easy you probably don't need a tutorial! Excellent work from the developers. On your PC Create - Executable for Mac. You will then get a folder named Linslideshow.app wherever you choose to save it. (This is your ptedemoshowfull.app). If you copy this folder and all its contents to, for example, a memory stick and give the memory stick to your friends they can then copy it to their Mac. When they view the contents of the memory stick they will NOT see a folder with a lot of contents. ALL they will see is a single file named Linslideshow. It will not have any extension. If they double click this file your slideshow will run on their Mac. They can exit at anytime using esc.

If you do need anything else please let me know.

Kind regards



Hello again Lin,

Just out of interest I tried zipping the folder. It did not make much difference to the size of the file reduced it from 12.4 MB to 11.7MB. I sent it across to the Mac double clicked it and it unzipped it and immediately created an unzipped version of the show on my desktop. So no need to zip unless you particularly wish to do so and it will not create a problem for your friends whichever way you choose.

Kind regards



Hi Peter,

Thanks! I have to upload the files to my website and give the Mac users the link so assuming that it should work this way, I would just zip the "ptedemoshowfull.app" folder and when they unzip it they should see only ptedemoshow?

If so, it is indeed incredibly easy. I "wish" I could hand them a memory stick, but they are all over the world so I have to upload it to the web.

Best regards,



Hi Peter,

Just got you message below. I suppose to get it to my server in the easiest way and to avoid any antivirus interference (maybe not applicable to the Mac) I will zip it and upload. I'll let you know how it works out!



Hello again Lin,

Just out of interest I tried zipping the folder. It did not make much difference to the size of the file reduced it from 12.4 MB to 11.7MB. I sent it across to the Mac double clicked it and it unzipped it and immediately created an unzipped version of the show on my desktop. So no need to zip unless you particularly wish to do so and it will not create a problem for your friends whichever way you choose.

Kind regards



Hi Lin,

If you would like me to check it out for you you could either upload a file to mediafire (or similar) or send me a link that I could download from.

Kind regards




That is all I did, zipped the .app file and sent it to mac users and the response has been positive every time. That was the slide show played perfectly on their Mac


Hi Peter and Barry,

Thanks much - that's great news and easy to do. I haven't yet decided which shows to send my MacIntosh friends, but when I do I'll post a link for you to try!

Best regards,


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