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I make my PTE AV's at 1024x768 and show them at various camera clubs via a digital projector with a native resolution of 1024x768.I am thinking of buying a netbook to take with me on my travels. The AV's would be transferred to the netbook via a pendrive and the netbook would feed the projector. But the netbook has a resolution of 1024x600 and I am wondering whether the 1024x768 resolution will be maintained on the screen.



Guest Yachtsman1
I make my PTE AV's at 1024x768 and show them at various camera clubs via a digital projector with a native resolution of 1024x768.I am thinking of buying a netbook to take with me on my travels. The AV's would be transferred to the netbook via a pendrive and the netbook would feed the projector. But the netbook has a resolution of 1024x600 and I am wondering whether the 1024x768 resolution will be maintained on the screen.



There was a thread on here about netbooks some time ago, have you done a search? I think one of the points raised was the amount of Ram if you have much animation, & if you feed your projector via the sub d (VGA) socket, has the netbook you are looking at got one?



Thanks, yachtsman,

No I haven't done a search - I'll do one. The Netbook I have in mind does have a VGA output and 1Gb of ram. That should be enough with Windows XP. It's just the resolution I was concerned about. I think the Netbook would downsample the AV while maintaining the aspect ratio i.e. 4 /3. What I am unsure about is whether the projector will restore the resolution to 1024x768.



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