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I'm trying my darnedest to learn the program features by reading the manual, but often the illustrations don't match up with their descriptions.

Attached is an example of what can be confusing.

I don't see the 8 seconds and 16 seconds described in the text. I do see something that comes close to 8 seconds, but I don't see anything like 16 seconds.

If someone could set me straight I would appreciate it.




Hi Isabel,

You're making this too difficult on yourself. Did you read my last message to you?? Go to the tutorials section of the forum. Download and play my AVI tutorial on PZR in the PTE Made Easy - (PTE For Smarties) section here:


Some of the menu features I discuss at the beginning of the tutorial have changed over the past year or more, but the essential timeline process of Pan, Zoom and Rotate are identical in function. If you play this AVI you absolutely "will" understand the essentials of PZR.

Best regards,




To understand the diagram you must study the time values encoded in the "flags" above the timeline. If you look at the times associated with the origin and end of the slide, subtract one from the other and then subtract the time allocated for the outward transition (1500ms = 1.5 seconds), you get 8 seconds in the first case and 16 seconds in the other two cases.




After I posted that illustration I did find your tutorial on panzoomrotate and it was tremendously helpful.

Thank you!


Hi Isabel,

You're making this too difficult on yourself. Did you read my last message to you?? Go to the tutorials section of the forum. Download and play my AVI tutorial on PZR in the PTE Made Easy - (PTE For Smarties) section here:


Some of the menu features I discuss at the beginning of the tutorial have changed over the past year or more, but the essential timeline process of Pan, Zoom and Rotate are identical in function. If you play this AVI you absolutely "will" understand the essentials of PZR.

Best regards,



Ahah! Thanks. That's higher math for me - not one of my strengths!

I found Lin's video tutorial tremendously helpful in understanding what's going on.



To understand the diagram you must study the time values encoded in the "flags" above the timeline. If you look at the times associated with the origin and end of the slide, subtract one from the other and then subtract the time allocated for the outward transition (1500ms = 1.5 seconds), you get 8 seconds in the first case and 16 seconds in the other two cases.



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