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In O&A window, when several object are selected in list, it would be nice to display all object's time line.

Also, in each displayed time line, keypoint wil be still modifiable.


  On 10/1/2009 at 6:12 AM, Kalain said:
In O&A window, when several object are selected in list, it would be nice to display all object's time line.

Salut compatriote Breton et même Finistérien!

You are right Kalain, to activate again all these (old) requests.

Now PTE has a lot of powerfull features but becomes more and more complicate to build slideshows.

I think that time is arrived to redesign with a high priority A&O module . The proposal I made in December 2007 (a dynamic model including some of your suggestions,here) could be a valuable start point:

- sound waves display

- multi keyframes lines

- keyframes move through keyboard

- multi keyframes selection

- ability to zoom timeline

- markers



Hello Jean-Claude,

I remember the suggestions you made. They were and still are really nice and would greatly improve the ease of use.

You're right when you say that there are moe and more powerful features.

But I am not sure to agree with you when you say that it is more and more complicated to build slideshows.

I think the Wnsoft team made a terrific work on how they added the new features :

if you don't want to make animations and only want to show pictures, you do not have to open the O/A window.

If you don't want to add 3D tansformations, you do not have to open the 3D pop up.

All those features will stay hidden and will not be confusing for the new users or those who prefer classic slideshows.

Could you explain a little bit more ? :)

  On 10/2/2009 at 5:56 PM, thedom said:
Could you explain a little bit more ? :)

I agree with you Thedom. If you want to align pictures after pictures and put on your sequence a piece of music

you don't need to open O&A window. But this is not a slideshow. You don't need even to use PTE. There are a lot of

program on the web which made this easily.

In a PTE slideshow you must have tools (easy to use, wisiwig) to perfectly SYNCHRONIZE PICTURES, OBJECTS and SOUNDS.

As in comparable softwares which however, don't have the powerfull but confusing objects tree concept.

At present it is difficult and time consumming to achieve a perfect synchronization. This is my request and it seems

it's also a widely shared opinion in this forum. We are waiting for this improvment since 2 years.

  On 10/3/2009 at 1:59 PM, Jean-Claude said:

At present it is difficult and time consumming to achieve a perfect synchronization. This is my request and it seems

it's also a widely shared opinion in this forum. We are waiting for this improvment since 2 years.

I totally agree with you.

I have been away (from A&O) for a while and thought to find such feature in V6.0 beta xx but seems that I (we) will have to wait a bit more to see this feature (and also others very usefull) implemented in PTE. :(

Compares at V5.6.4, V6.0 beta xx has quite a lot of interesting features. B)


Only 20 perhaps 30 members participate actively in this forum. But many people read the posts without voicing their opinion (total current members: 5904)

It's interessing to see what are the most viewed posts in this section. What is the current preoccupation? What PTE users are waiting for?

The three most viewed subjects concern above all ERGONOMY. It's clear that is a high priority for next releases after 6.0 which is again a major release.


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