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Replacing image, but keeping animation.


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[edited later...changed 'animations' to 'custom transitions']


I checked the Forum but I could not find the answer to my question.

I made a slideshow with low-resolutions images. Many images have custom transitions. I now want to replace the low-res images with their original higher resolutions images. When I do this, I can't seem to just replace the images and keep the custom transitions I already have for the low-res images.

Is there a way to just replace the images that have animation without having to re-do the custom transitons associated with each slide?

Thanks... Gary

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You have two "safe" options:

For a "Main Image" you can simply click on "Change Image File" on the upper tool bar of the main PTE window, and then navigate to and select your replacement file.

For an Object image, you go into the O&A window and use the Properties tab to navigate to and select your replacement image.

Taking a slightly bigger risk, ensure that all your replacement images have exactly the same name as those they are going to replace and simply copy the lot into the folder where your existing images are stored - forcing the new to replace the old. Then simply open the PTE project and it will automatically pick up the new hi-res images. Use the information bar at the bottom of the PTE window to confirm that it has picked up the new image files.



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Sorry to disappoint! I'll try to come up with some more taxing questions soon. :lol:

But, I don't think I explained my question too clearly. Your solution was good for changing a few images. But I did learn something I had not tired before...using 'Main Image'/'Change Image File'. Thanks for that.

However, I want to change ALL of the images in a show that were all low-res with the original hi-res images. And I wanted to keep the low-res files and its associated pte and exe files. I figured a way to do this. I created a 'Backup In Zip' of the low-res folder and put it into a new folder. I unzipped it and then just copied over the low-res images with the hi-res images and it worked just fine.

I will now start working on a more obscure question to keep you guys on your toes. :blink:

Thedom... I looked at the tutorial you mentioned. However, the file is made to play on a larger screen so it made it very difficult to follow what was going on. I could not get it to play full screen on my monitor. But I solved my problem. Thanks.




As a follow up to your question: I'm disappointed in you. You used to ask such obscure questions. Recently they have become much more mundane! :)



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