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Is there any clever chap who can tell me about the possibility of a relation between the size and the duration(playtime) of exefiles? So to say: the exe is 25.314kB, than I take my calculator, do some tic,tic,tic and there is the time of 2 minutes and 37 seconds...

In other words: is 1 Mb equal to a certain amount of seconds etc. or depends anything of the content(sort of pictures, zooms, rotations, pans etc.)?


Henri. :rolleyes:



The size of the EXE file is determined by adding together the following:

  • the total size of the sound files
  • the total size of the image files
  • the project file contents (the instructions that PTE uses to run the sequence)

Each element is dependent upon several factors.

Sound files can be estimated as follows: WAV = 10MB per minute, MP3 = 1MB per minute

Image files are less easy to estimate because so much depends upon the dimensions (pixel x pixel) and the compression value used when saving as JPEG files. As a rough rule of thumb, a 1024x681 image (3:2 aspect) saved as a JPEG at quality level 8 would come out between 200-300KB depending upon the amounts of the various colours present (a monochromatic image would be smaller than a highly coloured picture)

The PTE project data is usually the smallest element of all. Drawing upon my own sequences for examples I find that a 10 minute sequence with no animation and only simple text captions as objects is about 100KB. But I also have a 4m 30s sequence that is solid animation with hundreds of objects and the project file is 12.5MB

So, you see, it is possible to estimate duration from EXE size but you need to know the details of the EXE in order to do so.

I suspect that this has not really helped you, sorry!




In addition, the size of your MP3 sound file depends on the compression.

128 Kb/s (=> about 1Mb/minute) is OK for speakers in screen but I recommend 256 Kb/s (=> about 2Mb/minute) for a good sound system.



In a mathematical sense ... there is no relation to the exe file kb/mb and its time duration.

You can calculate the exe file size following Peter's and Dom's guidelines. But as for time duration its impossible to estimate.


Say you have only 1 slide or image which is set to run for 1 minute ... the exe slideshow duration would be 1 minute.

Then say you have only 1 slide or image which is set to run for 1 second ... the exe slideshow duration would be 1 second.


Both examples above produce the same size kb/mb exe file but totally different time durations. A prime example of this file size vs time duration would be menu shows which are set to have no time duration.


OK, thank you folks, I have the answer I was asking for...

So Peter, it indeed didn't real help me, but don't sorry: the fact that you, forummembers, immediately were here is just as important and pleasant to experience.

(but wouldn't it be very nice during a festival with entries you don't know?).



(but wouldn't it be very nice during a festival with entries you don't know?).

This would be possible if Igor implemented a Properties Version tab of the exe file.

I proposed this added function to compiled exe some many years ago.

I m sure slide count and time-duration could be configured in.

I think its more required today because of the multitude of PTE versions out now.

Just think ... you would know what version it was made in and the creator copyright


This would be possible if Igor implemented a Properties Version tab of the exe file.

Just think ... you would know what version it was made in and the creator copyright


I fully support this idea of nobeefstu!

Please, consider it (again).




I'm not sure of the OPs motive for asking this question but it does bring to mind a point of ettiquette that I posted a LONG time ago.

If all authors were to include in the "title slide" preamble the full details of the show about to be seen it would perhaps help the viewer.


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