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As a relative newcomer to PTE, I'm trying to put together a show with all Portrait format shots.

I would like to be able to do a few zooms and pans within the sequence, but zooming always changes the width of the projected image.

I have partially succeeded by using an image with a black centre as a mask and then inserting an image, which is it's inverse, but this is extremely fiddly for a couple of images let alone a whole sequence.

Is there a simple way to achieve this?



Hi Dave,

The easiest way to do this is to take a solid color rectangle (whichever color you want as a border) and create a simple mask by copy paste onto a transparency in Photoshop, etc., Then select a rectangle of the aspect ratio of your images in portrait mode (such as 3:2, 4:3) and hit the delete key. This will leave you with a black border with the center portion cut out.

You then use this image on the layer above your slides as a "frame" which will prevent anything beyond what is seen through the cut-out from displaying regardless of whether you pan or zoom the image.

Here is a link to a black one I created for you. Just place it under the slide in the Objects List.


Best regards,


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