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changing music mid show


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Thanks to all of you who answered my plea yesterday.

I downloadsd PTE Project Reporter and was easily able to delete the sound file.

I am quite computer literate, but am brand new to PTE.

New help needed.

I have a PTE with about 150 slides.

I want to use Theme from Titanic for the firt 78 slides.

Beginning with slide 79, I want to switch over to JT"s Carolina on My Mind.

I have both audios, but I can't make the transition. Titanic continues to play throughout even though I have

added Carolina.

Any suggestions?


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Adjust the timings of each so that they fade in/fade out at the same time as slide 79.

OR, in AUDACITY/AUDITION blend the two files together into one with the cross fade in the right place/time.


P.S. You need to add the audio files in Project Options / Music - that way only one is playing at any one time.

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The neat and tidy solution is to use a sound editor program to bring the two sound files together, saving the result as an MP3 file or a WAV file. Many of us on this forum use Audacity (a freeware product available here: http://audacity.soundforge.net)

An alternative would be to associate your second piece of music with slide 79 via Add Sound (main screen, top right).

You may wish to read the FAQs on the subject of adding sound (see here)



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Guest Yachtsman1

Hi Betsy

Glad Project Reporter worked for you. The best way to acheive your smooth transition between your music tracks is to download a free copy of Audacity, it's fairly straightforward to use. Import your tracks into it. fade the first at the point indicated in the timeline/ slide view of PTE, then fade in your second track with a slight overlap. A five second fade in & out with a two second overlap should produce the right effect. Save the finished track as an MP3 track & in PTE Project options, music insert your new blended track. I'm in the middle of a 600 slide show with 20+ music/voice over tracks, couldn't do it without Audacity.

Regards Eric


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Hello Betsy,

I am pleased to see that you are making good use of the forum - you will always get good advice here!

Be aware that, using the music that you mention, might upset the 'Copywrite' laws though.


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