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size of project.exe created by pte 6.0 is ..... .


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Kosheyar, my guess is that you have a lot of text/comments in your project, it might explain the difference of size (I noticed vectorization of text takes a lot of space).

If you have only images, animation and sounds in a project, the exe is about the same size with 5.6 and 6.0.

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Kosheyar, my guess is that you have a lot of text/comments in your project, it might explain the difference of size (I noticed vectorization of text takes a lot of space).

If you have only images, animation and sounds in a project, the exe is about the same size with 5.6 and 6.0.

I don't know , this slide show has only 75 slides and both of them are same one of them is opened by pte 5.6 another is opened by pte6.0 . Ofcource I used alot of text or Hyperlink in it ; per slide has 45 link + 18 link , I changed the Autofont quality for only 18 links (Autofont quality=75) but for rest of links (45 links) I don't changed anything ! Does this

point can be cause of this problem ?

Also I had a text in my customize Help message in pte 5.6 that they don't exist in pte 6.0 ....

Best wishes




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Yes, it is because of text objects.

In version 6.0 we vectorize text symbols to give users ability use any unique fonts and provide same text view and quality in slideshows under PC and Mac.

In next version we will try optimize this process and will use a dictionary of symbols that should vastly reduce text data in an executable file.

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One of the key factors of Pictures To Exe is the small file sizes. If version 6 is going to increase the siz of an exe file

by this huge amount, it needs to be given some immediate attention I think. In the maentime, is the answer NOT to use the text option?

In my case, I tend to create my text in Photoshop so maybe this problem of size will not affect me, am I right?

Ron West

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