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Is it possible to copy a text object in the O&A window and then paste it to multiple slides all in one go?



Hi Geoff,

Copy text object in O&A - yes.

Paste to multiple slides in one move - no, not that I know of.

My technique is to copy as normal and then, in the O&A window, use the next slide arrow button (top right) and the Paste icon (off the toolbar) repeatedly. It's a bit of a bind but I find I quickly get a rhythm going. Just check the "parentage" when pasting.




Thanks Peter it would be useful at times if this was possible, perhaps we can ask Igor to add it to his never ending "to do" list





Use Key strokes its much quicker. From the object box in the O&A screen, highlight the text and hit Ctrl+C, skip to the next image and hit Ctrl+V, but as Peter says, watch where the text goes if you have a series of layers there


Thanks Barry I agree keystrokes are better when possible. However it would be nice to be able to copy a basic text object to a block of slides at one go on the few occasions when it's needed, such as showing names of plants or birds etc in illustrated talks. The basic object can then be edited with the individual names, ensuring consistancy throughout the show. Hope life is treating you well down under.

Best regrds


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