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I posted on this subject into the discussion topic about v6.0 beta but it seems to have been overlooked so I'm re-posting here.

If I open the attached project in PTE v6.0 I observe the following behaviour:

  • On opening the project, the one and only slide is selected in the Slide List
  • I click on the Objects and Animation button
  • The A-background image is highlighted in the Objects list and the green outline and handles are visible around it
  • I click within the area of the image of the steam train
  • The green outline and handles moves to be around just the image area and the object name A1500 becomes highlighted
  • I click within the area of the Black Slide image (Note that this image is set to zero opacity and to be “Transparent to Selection”)
  • The green outline and handles vanish and no object is selected

So far, PTE is behaving exactly as I expected it would.

I now continue as follows:

  • I click on the Object name “Black Slide”
  • The green outline and handles appear around the Black Slide image area and the Object name is highlighted
  • I click within the area of the image of the steam train
  • Nothing happens
  • I click within the area of the A-Background
  • Nothing happens

It would seem that after selecting the Black Slide by name I can only select any of the other objects by name and not by simply clicking within their image areas. Is this the behaviour that you would expect? I cannot see the logic (from the user’s perspective) of being unable to select by clicking within the image area.






Thanks, I think it's a logic mistake. The "BlackSlide" object lays above other objects on the top level. Look at the order of objects in the tree. It explains why you can't choose another object.

But if "BlackSlide" on the top why it doesn't hide underlaying objects? The answer in opacity which set to zero - so it's an invisible object. When I call "Order" -> "Send to Back" the problem disappears.


Hi Igor,

Thanks for the quick reply. I understand what you are saying and agree that moving the Black Slide object down the object stack clears the problem. However, I have set that Black Slide object to be "Transparent to Selection". I thought this meant that PTE would ignore its presence in the stack and select the next item down the stack. But PTE didn't do that.




Yes, it's impossible to select an object with "Trasparent for click" option.

But once choosed through the tree of objects you work with this object.


I'm not sure that you have understood my concern here.

When an object has "Transparent to Selection" ticked then that object cannot be selected by clicking in its image area. It can only be selected by clicking on its name in the object list. This I understand and agree with.

But I do not understand why a second object, one that lies beneath that first object, cannot be selected by clicking in the image area of that second object.

In my project file that I sent: why, after clicking on the Black Slide object name in the object list, can I not then click into the image area of A1500 and get that object selected? That would be my understanding of what the "Transparent to Selection" setting on the "Black Slide" should be allowing.

You seem to be saying that "Transparent to Selection" is actually "Selection by clicking the image is disabled".





"Transparent To Selection" is an attribute for the running show (exe/preview), but it has consequences in the editor, as well; not that good perhaps!? In the editor it may be better to use the tool "Ignore Objects Not Selected".





Thanks, I've understood the problem now.

Yes, the option called "Transparent for click" works in both - created slideshow and in the editor. It's rather an imperfection in a logic of the program.

I had to separate it into two different options - for the editor and for executable slideshow.

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