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I am using version 4.12.

I am trying to set up the navigation bar to include the PAUSE button.

It is on the list along with the next, previous, first, exit etc, but it will not show on the bar ! <_<

Any hints ???



You may want to check that your settings are correct. Make sure you have DISPLAY EACH SLIDE FOR check box checked.

You need some type of manual timing set ( min,sec) for it to pause the show... otherwise pause button wont show and would be kinda useless on a totally manual advance .


Yes Jim, you're right. I just checked, and the same happens to me. But till v4.01 "Pause" button was present.



Im using latest v4.12 and the PAUSE button reveals itself as long as i have entered a time duration and check the box.

If i remove the check box ... PAUSE wont reveal itself.

Give it a try ...


Oops... just tried, Stu, while you were writing your last reply. You're right, obviously! If there is no interval selected, the "Pause" button doesn't make sense...



Of course !!! How dumb we are at times and get lost in the simplest thing. :blink::blink:

There is nothing to PAUSE if there is nothing moving the slide along.

Guess I had better go back to grade three.

Thanks Guys

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