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was wondering if there is a way to have text placed over the image as it is being shown. I would like to have a copyright notice go over each image. Perhaps this could be added as an option, similar to adding the picture name to the slide.


Mark O'Connell



Welcome to the forum!!

You can use the object editor and adding text to the pictures!

Also you can copy and paste it, so it can be at the same position for each picture.

Hope this helps



I am sure BOXIG will come up with a utility for that (If he doesn't have one in his bag of tricks already !!)

You can do it now, for each image through PhotoShop or as OBJECTS, but I suspect you are looking for an automatic way for all images.



I have used object editor to add the students name to the first slide ( I photograph lots of high school seniors), but that would take too long to put a notice on each slide. To put a copyright symbol on each image with photoshop would work but if I sell the

show to the client later, I would prefer not to have the notice on the images, which means I would have to make all the images over again. Pic2exe is the fastest program in my opinion to create a slide show with. Adding some kind of text in the middle of all the images via an option similar to a caption would be great. Another forum mentioned that perhaps using the "unregistered" text that shows up on the images used on the unregistered copy of pic2exe, could possible be activated and changed for registered users. Hopefully adding this feature could benefit other photographers.

thanks for your responses



Follow Barts direction but use a IMAGE as your object.

This image can be your Logo or just about anything and any size. Its a just a copy and paste to each page you have your photos on. You can make it multiple color or just 2 color with setting to transparency.

I have a full page 2 color ( B&W ) text image that just strings the entire page size ... watermark

The watermark text is White and the backgroud is Black . Black is set to transparent.

All in all ... this works just like a MASK ...but it is layerd onto your photo in PTE and requires no editing of your main photo.

Ive been meaning to make a PTE demo using this MASK function and showing its variety of possible uses.It would include the .pte file and a few mask objects used. (Ijust havent got around to it yet)


To put a copyright symbol on each image with photoshop would work but if I sell the

show to the client later, I would prefer not to have the notice on the images, which means I would have to make all the images over again.

Do not supply to high of quality of a Photo in your show. Why should someone buy it if they can print from the screen. Always protect your Photos with some means of watermarking etc ...or the above possible method using masking.


Boxig's utility is available. However, it seems not many people know you can add a banner across all your pictures from inside the P2E program. I copied the below info how from a earlier posting on how I did it:

First make a copy (ie. File-save as) in the original folder of one of your pictures but name it "copyrighted" or whatever you want to appear on the slides. Now add it to your slideshow next to the same photo but use "fade" so they appear as one photo. Or just rename one of the photos to "Copyrighted".

Select it in PTE(click/highlight) and at the top menu bar click on "Slide" then choose "Set Comments on all Slides=Current One." In "Project Options" you can change the font size and position in the "Comments" tab. I think you could use the "Customize Slide" option to change the font size and position too. To remove just go back to Project Options and click on "Clear all comments" button.

Also, in the Project Options - "Comments" tab - Customize Comments - choose "Picture Name." This is what "set comments on all slides=current one" needs before it will work.

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