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interrupt music


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Hi Betsy,

The simplest way to shorten a piece of music is to use a sound editor program (such as Audacity - which is a free program available for download here: http://audacity.sourceforge.net) and apply a fade out over the last 5-10 seconds of the piece that you want to use.

PTE does not currently support any form of manipulation of a sound file.



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In addition to Peter's and Tom's recommendations ... its also possible to stop the music currently playing at a certain slide without actually editing the music file.

Its somewhat an abrupt way for stopping music in a slideshow ... but it works.

- Select the slide where you want the music to stop playing and open the Customize Slide | Music tab. Enable the Play New Background Music checkbox without adding any music files to the music playlist. See attached image below.

- To restart the music at a certain slide ... follow above instructions, but this time with adding a music file to the music playlist. Please note that the music will start from its beginning and not from the point it was last stopped.


This method also works for DVD builds/playback.


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