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Problem: Text shifts unexpectedly...


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Greetings and Happy New Year to all...

I figure I'd start the new year off with a minor problem that I can not figure out. :rolleyes:

I have inserted text into a slide. I then copied the slide and made it zoom in. The text are children of the image. I removed the fade transition in the second slide so it changes smoothly.

The problem is that the text ("Monfort-sur-Argens") shifts down a bit in the duplicated slide just before the zoom occurs.

And the other text ("Provence") slightly shifts upward as it goes from the non-zoomed slide to the zoomed slide. (You can see this better when you use the slider beneath the mini-screen). I have tried to figure out what is causing this but I can not. I have attached a 3-slide example of what is going on. I'd appreciate it if someone could take a look at it. I am using PTE 6.0 and Windows 7.

Thanks... Gary

France Trip 2004-problem.zip

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I've just downloaded and checked your sequence. It behaves perfectly on my system. Have you downloaded and checked your own attachment? The only suggestion I can make is that perhaps you have more than one version of this project on your system and you are not opening the version that you think you are.



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A further thought...

Why are you using two slides: one static and the other zooming? Why not use just the one slide? Set that slide to have a duration equal to the sum of the two slides. Leave the origin (offset = 0 ms) keyframes alone and add two more keyframes to give the start of zoom and end of zoom positions and values.



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I downloaded the uploaded file and it does shows the slight shifting of the text. I wonder if this is a Windows 7 thing? Oh...Just had a thought...I will play it on my wife's PC (Windows XP) to see if the problem follows. I'll get back to you.

The reason I used 2 slides is that I usually use the autospread function to space out the slides to the total music I have. I don't think I can use your method if I do that. You have a good point but it is easier for me to use the autospread function most of the time. I'll do some checking into your method. This movement of the text is really strange...never encountered it before.

Thanks.... Gary



I've just downloaded and checked your sequence. It behaves perfectly on my system. Have you downloaded and checked your own attachment? The only suggestion I can make is that perhaps you have more than one version of this project on your system and you are not opening the version that you think you are.


A further thought...

Why are you using two slides: one static and the other zooming? Why not use just the one slide? Set that slide to have a duration equal to the sum of the two slides. Leave the origin (offset = 0 ms) keyframes alone and add two more keyframes to give the start of zoom and end of zoom positions and values.



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I didn't take note of your comment about seeing the effect in the mini-viewer. When I play it through the mini-viewer I do see the problem. When I play it through Preview I can hardly spot the problem - but it is there...Just!

On my Vista system I do not see the name of the font that you have used. So I am presuming it is a font that is part of Windows 7 but not part of Vista. Could this be where the problem lies? Is there something about that font or even all Windows 7 fonts, that is not being handled properly (either by Windows or by PTE v6)?

Using your wife's XP machine, try deleting the text from your sample file and then adding it using an XP font. Do you still see the problem on her machine? Do you still see the problem when you take that project file over to your Windows7 machine?



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Yes...it does not move much but it does. If you put the screen to about 200%, you can see it more clearly.

I played the exe on my wife's XP and it shows the movement. I don't have PTE installed on her PC so I can't, yet, fiddle with it in PTE on the XP PC.

On my Win7 PC, I changed the font from the Gabriola font to Times Roman. That did not resolve the problem. The text still shifted.

But, I discovered something on my Win7 PC. I removed the second keyframe...the one that does the zooming. The movement of the text does not happen. So it seems it is not caused by the font, but it seems to be in the zooming action. What do you think? Also, if, in O&A, put the screen to 200%, switch back and forth between the 2 images of the map, and you can see the text move very clearly.




I didn't take note of your comment about seeing the effect in the mini-viewer. When I play it through the mini-viewer I do see the problem. When I play it through Preview I can hardly spot the problem - but it is there...Just!

On my Vista system I do not see the name of the font that you have used. So I am presuming it is a font that is part of Windows 7 but not part of Vista. Could this be where the problem lies? Is there something about that font or even all Windows 7 fonts, that is not being handled properly (either by Windows or by PTE v6)?

Using your wife's XP machine, try deleting the text from your sample file and then adding it using an XP font. Do you still see the problem on her machine? Do you still see the problem when you take that project file over to your Windows7 machine?



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Good news! It's a bug. I can re-create it on my Vista system building a sequence from scratch. Now, that's not entirely good news for you! But it does mean you can stop banging your head against the brickwall.

All I did was create a three slide sequence: black slide, image, black slide. I then added a couple of text items to the image. Then I copied and pasted the image to give a duplicate copy of it as slide 3. Finally I added a keyframe to slide 3 and programmed a zoom. When viewing in O&A and switching between slide 2 and slide 3 I can see the text "twitch" - and it shouldn't. The origin conditions on slides 2 and 3 are identical.

I'll draw Igor's attention to this bug report.



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Yahoo!! Thanks...I was going a bit crazy. I had run out of ideas to try. I am surprised that no one else has noticed it. I appreciate you stepping and and giving it a test.

Calling it a 'twitch' is pretty accurate! We can't let Igor rest too much!!! :D




Good news! It's a bug. I can re-create it on my Vista system building a sequence from scratch. Now, that's not entirely good news for you! But it does mean you can stop banging your head against the brickwall.

All I did was create a three slide sequence: black slide, image, black slide. I then added a couple of text items to the image. Then I copied and pasted the image to give a duplicate copy of it as slide 3. Finally I added a keyframe to slide 3 and programmed a zoom. When viewing in O&A and switching between slide 2 and slide 3 I can see the text "twitch" - and it shouldn't. The origin conditions on slides 2 and 3 are identical.

I'll draw Igor's attention to this bug report.



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I had just run your clip on my computer at least 6 times and smooth as butter. No twitch, no hick-up.

I run an XP Home on my desktop but good graphics and video card.

Might be Vista / Win 7 oriented issue.


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I just tried it on another PC, which has WinXP. I still see the 'twitch'. Try looking at it within PTE and put the zoom to about 200%. And, in O&A, flip back and forth between the two slides of the map. It is very subtle but I think you should see tahe text move a hair.




I had just run your clip on my computer at least 6 times and smooth as butter. No twitch, no hick-up.

I run an XP Home on my desktop but good graphics and video card.

Might be Vista / Win 7 oriented issue.


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Have you checked the alignment and text size from one to the other in the adjutment windows on the right in O$A. It could be just a fraction off.

I will look at it here as well.


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Gary et al,

I just had a play with your sequence, under XP Pro SP3, and the twitch is clearly visible in the PTE programming screen as as well as in Preview. Moving the slider under the image pane back and forth at about the 7.860 second mark will reveal the jumping. This time-mark corresponds with the change from slide 2 to slide 3, and leads me to think that the text children, although seemingly in the same place on both slides is in fact out by a pixel or two. Perhaps the granularity of the positioning coordinates is not fine enough to differentiate down to pixel level.

Two sugggestions come to mind; inserting a 1-second fade between slides 2 and 3 to mask the jump, or - my favoured solution - is to do all titling and text overlays in Photoshop first, unless you want differential zooming, in which case you will have to use your current method.


PS: I added a fade of 500ms to slide 3 and shifted the zoom start to about 8.550, which seemed to fix your problem.

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Thanks for testing it. Good to get another confirmation that this is happening. I don't want to do any work-arounds to avoid this twitch. I have been using this 'method' for a long time and it has worked well for me for all past versions.

I just did a second test by placing text in the last slide. I then copied the slide and put in a keyframe and the image to zoom (text as child). It happened again. There is something happening in the copying of first slide with text to create the second slide. If you don't create the second keyframe for the zooming, you don't see the twitch when you jump between the 2 slides. However, with the keyframe added for zooming, the twitch shows up with the text. I hope Igor will take a look at this.



Gary et al,

I just had a play with your sequence, under XP Pro SP3, and the twitch is clearly visible in the PTE programming screen as as well as in Preview. Moving the slider under the image pane back and forth at about the 7.860 second mark will reveal the jumping. This time-mark corresponds with the change from slide 2 to slide 3, and leads me to think that the text children, although seemingly in the same place on both slides is in fact out by a pixel or two. Perhaps the granularity of the positioning coordinates is not fine enough to differentiate down to pixel level.

Two sugggestions come to mind; inserting a 1-second fade between slides 2 and 3 to mask the jump, or - my favoured solution - is to do all titling and text overlays in Photoshop first, unless you want differential zooming, in which case you will have to use your current method.


PS: I added a fade of 500ms to slide 3 and shifted the zoom start to about 8.550, which seemed to fix your problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Gary,

The reason the text "Jumps" or "Shifts" is because on slide three you do not start the slide at zero time on the timeline, but already into a "zoom".

Move the first keyframe on slide three back to the zero point on the timeline for slide three and everything will work as expected.

Best regards,


Greetings and Happy New Year to all...

I figure I'd start the new year off with a minor problem that I can not figure out. :rolleyes:

I have inserted text into a slide. I then copied the slide and made it zoom in. The text are children of the image. I removed the fade transition in the second slide so it changes smoothly.

The problem is that the text ("Monfort-sur-Argens") shifts down a bit in the duplicated slide just before the zoom occurs.

And the other text ("Provence") slightly shifts upward as it goes from the non-zoomed slide to the zoomed slide. (You can see this better when you use the slider beneath the mini-screen). I have tried to figure out what is causing this but I can not. I have attached a 3-slide example of what is going on. I'd appreciate it if someone could take a look at it. I am using PTE 6.0 and Windows 7.

Thanks... Gary

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I think that's a "red herring"! I built my own sequence from scratch and was able to re-create Gary's problem (see post #7 above). I did note that Gary had not started at origin=0 for that slide but I did NOT copy him in that respect in my test.



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I moved the keyframe back to the zero point but that did not make any difference. The text still jumped down. The text will move even before the image starts its zoom. I think if the problem was as you describe (the keyframe not starting at zero), the entire image and the text, together, would have 'twitched'. I just created a similar situation in a new slideshow and, again, the text moved before the image zoomed. I have used this method before in past versions and never had this problem.



Hi Gary,

The reason the text "Jumps" or "Shifts" is because on slide three you do not start the slide at zero time on the timeline, but already into a "zoom".

Move the first keyframe on slide three back to the zero point on the timeline for slide three and everything will work as expected.

Best regards,


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