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I know this question has been asked before, but I still can't find the answer.

How do I include a Flash (SWF) file in a P2E project?

After doing some searching on this forum, I found a discussion (a few years ago) about a freeware called "FlashMe".

However, the link (in Thailand) is no longer valid.

Can someone who has this file send it to me? I would really appreciate it!

Unless the new version 6.0 can embed SWF files (I'm still using 5.x).

Thanks for any reply!



Hi Peter,

PTE doesn't have a Flash converter. To convert to Flash there are several options. First you can simply upload a PTE mp4 h.264 file to Vimeo or Youtube and there they convert it to Flash. You can then easily embed the Youtube or Vimeo file on your website.

Your other choice for Flash is to use a third party software which converts Flash to either Flash SWF or Flash FLV. For larger shows, Flash FLV is a better choice. Flash SWF runs out of steam at around 16,500 images (frames) and will not reliably support audio sync beyond a couple minutes or so. At about 30 frames per second, a Flash show will have about 1800 frames per minute. At somewhere less than 9 minutes Flash SWF quits. Flash FLV has the advantage of no time or frame number restrictions, no issues with audio sync and provisions which let you do pseudo streaming so a preload can be established and your viewing audience can enjoy the full show without starting and stopping, etc.

So when choosing a Flash converter to convert either a PTE AVI, MPG II or MP4 h.264 to Flash, it would be wise to choose one which can convert to Flash FLV with Preload and a Flash PLayer included. Flash converters can be free (usually only lower quality Flash output and smaller image sizes), inexpensive or quite expensive depending on features, iteration of Flash which the conversion is made to, etc.

Check the web for "Flash Converters" and find a few which fall into your budget then report back and perhaps someone on the forum here can help you decide which to use.

Best regards,



Hi Lin,

Thanks for your quick reply!

Maybe I've asked the wrong question... :blink:

I'm not looking to convert a PTE project into Flash, I only want to embed a small Flash file INTO an actual PTE project.

Let's say I have a slidewhow with 10 slides, and on the 5th slide I want to show a Flash object, then I want to go on with the remainder of the slideshow until the end.


PS: Do you know about "FlashMe"?


Hi Peter,

Sorry, I misunderstood what you wanted to do.

That was a utility written by Granot (Boxsig) and I have emailed him to see if it's still available. I'll let you know if I hear back. I suspect you need Flashme 4.

Ken "may" have a copy in his archives - we'll have to wait and see

Best regards,


Hi Lin,

Thanks for your quick reply!

Maybe I've asked the wrong question... :blink:

I'm not looking to convert a PTE project into Flash, I only want to embed a small Flash file INTO an actual PTE project.

Let's say I have a slidewhow with 10 slides, and on the 5th slide I want to show a Flash object, then I want to go on with the remainder of the slideshow until the end.


PS: Do you know about "FlashMe"?


Hi Ken,

I don't know about giving our "regular" e-mail address in a forum. I've read that it's not a good thing to do if you want to make sure no one picks it up and spam you.

But I can give you a temporary one: Peter_pte@mailinator.com

It's really "temporary" because I think it will be valid for only 2-3 hours, but I'm not sure.

So, if you read this before then, you can try it.




Hi Ken,

I don't know about giving our "regular" e-mail address in a forum. I've read that it's not a good thing to do if you want to make sure no one picks it up and spam you.

But I can give you a temporary one: Peter_pte@mailinator.com

It's really "temporary" because I think it will be valid for only 2-3 hours, but I'm not sure.

So, if you read this before then, you can try it.



why dont you just email me -- my addie has been in my signature for many moons now

check your email in about 5 mins - i' hittin the sack


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