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I think I will ultimately like this package a great deal and spring for the Paypal option.

I got through the basics, Lin. I seem to have a repeatable error now that I cannot explain.

I put my 10 slides in and installed a tune, then gave it a test run.

Everything seemed great.

After I created the file though the show retarts my music from the beginning, about 7 or 8 slides in. Consistently.

Always hitches at the same slide and starts the music over right from the beginning.

Any ideas?




In the "Project Options" on the "Music Tab" do you have a check beside "Repeat Music after Playing"?

If so, that would cause the background music to repeat until the slideshow ends. If this is checked, uncheck it.

If you want the slides to be spread out so that the last slide ends as the music finished, then click on the "Timeline" button (from the Opening Main Screen) then click on the "Timed Points" and then on "Arrange All Points." This will divide the music length by the slide display time including transitions and the music should stop just as the last slide leaves the screen.

Let me know if this solves the problem.

Best regards,


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