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Menu shows in Ver 6


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Is it normal that when setting up a menu show in Ver 6 (in my case that means a single screen show with OBJECTS that are used to launch other PTE exe files) that you can not ESC normally out of one of the shows started from within the menu in PREVIEW?

I am told the file is corrupt. However so long as I have created an exe file, then I can ESC normally normally running in PREVIEW mode.

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That's not how my system behaves! Strangely enough, I'm spending today playing around with various software products to create Menu sequences (trying to eliminate or at least minimise the dreaded "flashback" problem)

I currently have a menu built using PTE 4.49, PTE 6.00 and Powerpoint. With both versions of PTE I can take the Menu into Preview, launch one of the other exe files from its thumbnail image and then Esc out and I get taken back to the Menu sequence within PTE. All exactly as I would expect it to be.

I did, at one stage, get a "corrupt" warning but found that I was doing a "Run Slideshow" but had specified the .pte filename instead of the .exe filename.

BTW the reason I'm experimenting is that later this year my local AV group is giving a public showing and the work will have been produced using a mixture of PTE and ProShow. Obviously I cannot use "Run Slideshow" feature to launch the ProShow sequences.



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That's not how my system behaves! Strangely enough, I'm spending today playing around with various software products to create Menu sequences (trying to eliminate or at least minimise the dreaded "flashback" problem)

I currently have a menu built using PTE 4.49, PTE 6.00 and Powerpoint. With both versions of PTE I can take the Menu into Preview, launch one of the other exe files from its thumbnail image and then Esc out and I get taken back to the Menu sequence within PTE. All exactly as I would expect it to be.

I did, at one stage, get a "corrupt" warning but found that I was doing a "Run Slideshow" but had specified the .pte filename instead of the .exe filename.

BTW the reason I'm experimenting is that later this year my local AV group is giving a public showing and the work will have been produced using a mixture of PTE and ProShow. Obviously I cannot use "Run Slideshow" feature to launch the ProShow sequences.




I don't get the corrupt message on ESC if I have created a EXE version of the Menu. It is only if I am working on the menu show, not having created the exe version yet. (which I normally don't do until I am happy with my "production")I have checked when this happens that I am pointing at the exe version of the individual show.


Regarding the other aspect of launching non PTE shows. I have always used ver 4.48 to create my menu shows and I have over the years launched PTE, PSG, .avi files, ppt, and PhotoShop from, there with no problems.

Yes once ver 5.6 came along and I launched a show from a 4.48 menu page, I sometimes noticed a very minor flicker when starting that 5.6 show. Few others noticed it.

I have converted all my shows to ver 6 now and am using a ver menu page (RUN SLIDESHOW AND RETURN) and it is very smooth.

I have launched non ver 6 shows from the ver 6 menu page with the RUN APPLICATION AND RETURN option and things seems to go OK.

I'll be interested to hear your results.

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If I recall correctly what you have said elsewhere on the forum today, your systems are XP based. Mine are Vista based. XP systems never exhibited the "flashback" problem. It came in with the Vista "Aero" interface and is, I understand, associated with the way in which the Graphics Processor Unit is used: only one task can have control of it at any one time. That is why WnSoft introduced the "Run Slideshow..." feature; so that PTE could retain control of the GPU throughout the entire set of sequences. The downside is that all the sequences have to be created using the same level of PTE.

Earlier this afternoon I found an old Menu exe and its associated target exes that had been built using PTE v5.52. This showed no "flashback" at all on my Vista systems. So I'm now playing around with v5.52 to check this out some more.



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