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Changing slide order during a show [Resolved]


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Hi Andrew,

I'm not 100% clear on just what it is you are trying to do. If the slides are in the slide list, you can have a menu which allows you to select any slide at any time. That is you can display slide one then jump to slide 300 if you have either a menu or hot-spot (a hidden button, etc.) programmed to do so.

If the slides are in the Objects list in Objects and Animations, and they are in separate layers, the only way you can control their visibility as full screen objects is via keyframe and opacity. You have no ability to change the position of the slides as they exist in their respective layers in real time.

You "could" use keyframes to move the slides out of the viewing area and have alternate slides moved into the viewing area. If the slides are smaller (zoomed) to less than the screen display size you could have all three or any combination visible at any time via the pan feature.

If you could explain why you want to do this and exactly what it is you are trying to accomplish, maybe someone can help sort it out.

Best regards,


Is it possible to have say 3 slide one behind the other and during the time allowed have the slide at the back [or in the middle] come to the front, by actual movement and not opacity.

I've tried this all day and cant get it.

Any help?


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Hi Peter,

If you set the value for the 3D pan large enough it will cause the image to "effectively" disappear to a "dot" as far as its visibility on the object on the next layer, but you could do about the same thing with the zoom by zooming out to a point. I really don't see any utility in doing it this way over fading the image via keyframe and opacity. I'm just not certain what Andrew is trying to accomplish.....

Best regards,


Andrew and Lin,

I have no idea whether it would work but does Pan along the Z Axis under the 3D parameters offer a solution?



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Hi guys, If I could describe it better.

3 images one behind the other as seperate layers. then the images behind the first come from behind the first and come to the front, changing positions.Sort of like shuffling a pack of cards.

I'm begining to think it cant be done.

Yes Eric something along those lines. Only from directly behind.

Its just something I tried yesterday and wondered about.


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Guest Yachtsman1

Hi Andrew

It's just a matter of adjusting the banding box for your 3 slides so the first covers the second pair, then the second of the second pair is brought to the front to cover the others. You can either use the banding box & drag it to the size needed or use the P&Z size boxes in the O&A window. Just click on the properties tab in O&A and click the slide of the three you want to adjust or move. It's like riding a bike once you've done it it's easy, mind you it took me two years to attempt it. Word of caution, once you've got it, don't milk it or you could have an audience suffering from mal de mer. Almost forgot, tick the mipmapping box for each slide of the three to prevent any juddering.

Regards Eric ;)


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Tips on dissection....

First: study the layer order on the three slides to see how the coloured rectangles change their position in the layer order.

Second: note the use of the Quick transition. This is abolutely essential to maintain the smooth flow of the animation from one slide to the next.

Third: note how the settings for each object in the Animation tab for its end keyframe are the same values as those in the start keyframe of that object in the next slide.

By the way, there is a potentially simpler technique if you are happy to have just two images on screen at any one time: use the "Swap 3D" transition. But I got the impression that you want to have all three on screen together.



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