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A simple question if I may. In putting together a slide show I would like all of my captions to be gray in color. What do I have to do to apply the same color to all slide captions rather than having to select the gray color each time a create a caption?



Assuming you are referring to "comments" - you use "Project Options" "Coments Tab" choose your font, your drop shadow, etc., then next to the Bold, Underscore, Italics to the right, click on the "A" and select your color. Then Click on "Set For Existing Slides" button.

On the other hand, if you are entering "Text" on each slide by using the "Text" under Objects and Animations, you have to set the individual color for each slide because you have the ability to apply animations and different effects to multiple text on any slide.

For normal "captions" you probably should use the first method.

Best regards,


A simple question if I may. In putting together a slide show I would like all of my captions to be gray in color. What do I have to do to apply the same color to all slide captions rather than having to select the gray color each time a create a caption?



You could also - create your text, as Lin says, in O&A using your desired colour, then merely copy the text object and paste it into the following slide, then change the wording to suit that particular slide. Repeat as required.

This should give far more flexibility in size and positioning than using the comments 'route' - if this is what you had in mind.



You could also - create your text, as Lin says, in O&A using your desired color, then merely copy the text object and paste it into the following slide, then change the wording to suit that particular slide. Repeat as required.

This should give far more flexibility in size and positioning than using the comments 'route' - if this is what you had in mind.

Thank you all for your input. What I have been doing is (1)open a slide, (2) click on O&A, (3) pull the margins in enough to create a black border around all four sides. Some, but not all, slides require that I add a caption, usually at the bottom but sometimes on the left side (for vertical slides). I then (1)open the text by clicking on the A,

(2)shrink the text line, (3) type in the words for that particular slide, (4) move it to the correct location and resize if necessary, (5)click on the A on the right side, (6) select the gray color square, then ok, (7) click off the caption margins and close. It looks to me that I will have to continue my current, somewhat laborious, technique as I have to individualize too many aspects of my captioning process.

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