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All the time I have been using PTE, i always use the disable scaling option (and i export my pictures from lightroom at the size - pixels - i want to see them onscreen, in order to make sure i do not get any upscaling with a loss of quality. I have been looking at V6 to migrate to but i cannot find this option anymore in the Project Options / Screen panel.

Was it moved to some other place or has it disappeared on purpose? If so, how can i make sure my pictures do not get upscaled?

Thank you, michel


Hi Xaver,

This option seems to just limit the total size of what PTE will display on screen. (as a windowed mode would - this option actually disappears in windowed mode)

It has not, whether activated or not, changed the resizing.

The funny thing is that, if i create a slideshow with PTE 5, witha rpoject option of not resizing images and if i open this project with Pte 6?

then the images in the slides created with PTE 5 do not upscale but any new one i add is resied (upscaled)....

regards, michel


I have a wide screen monitor (I left the 1024x768 size a while back) and I usually set my screen resolution to 1920x1080 if I know that I am going to burn to a CD/DVD for playing on my HD television.

I then crop the images for my show to 1920x1050 and set the following options in PTE. This prevents the program from 'upscaling' and ensures that all images will fit the entire scrren (without any black borders. If I want to just view on my computer monitor, then I set it to 1920x1200 and size my images accordingly.



Hi Michel,

until v5.5, PTE provided the (so-called) "Original Mode". Since v5.6, this mode does not exist any longer. You may also try the "Size/Position Tool", a kind of replacement for the original mode.




Hi Xaver,

I am not familiar at all with V6 (the highest level i upgraded to was PTE 5.52 which i guess explains why i suddenly discover this "do not upscale" capibility is not available anymore).

I have played a little bit with V6 and the USer guide PDF but could not find the size/position tool that you mention.

Where can i find this tool (that i assume would be a tool to apply to each slide?)

thanks, michel


Hi Michel,

How to use the size/position tool (an example):

1. Choose a fixed size of your screen

2. For a particular slide, you open the O&A window (Objects & Animation)

3. Highlight an object to be placed in original mode.

4. Choose the common tab and use the button "size/position ..."

5. Click on the word "size", or enter "100" in the size field of the original mode tab.

The chosen object will be placed in its original size (relative to the specified screen).




Thanks again Xaver, it works.

However is there a way for me to tell to PTE that this is standard behaviour for all slides (in my case i make a simple slideshow from numerous pictures with a centered picture and its caption (extracted from IPTC data) at the bottom. Having to manually reset to 100% of the original slide for each slide is very painful for a very simple slideshow.

regards, michel


However is there a way for me to tell to PTE that this is standard behaviour for all slides (in my case i make a simple slideshow from numerous pictures with a centered picture and its caption (extracted from IPTC data) at the bottom. Having to manually reset to 100% of the original slide for each slide is very painful for a very simple slideshow.

Hi Michel,

If I understand correctly, you are just using simple slides (without animation or additional objects) and you want them NOT to resize. If that is correct, look again at the picture attached above by Ronniebootwest. It does in fact limit the resizing. So for instance if you choose "Fixed size of slide in pixels" and set it to 1920 x 1200 and you resize all of your slides (OUTSIDE of PTE), then on a wide-screen monitor, those pictures would totally fill the screen. If, however, you have one or two slides in the show that are only 1024 x 768, those slides will NOT fill the screen but will be shown at their original sizes. If I were to watch that same show on my laptop monitor which has a maximum resolution of 1400 x 1050, then your show would still fill the screen, EXCEPT for the slides you have sized at 1024 x 768. They would still have black (or whatever background color you have chosen) borders. Again, if you are not using object animations (as opposed to the standard transitions), then you make the setting once for the entire show. I believe what Xaver suggested is more relevant to using multiple objects on a slide and animating that slide in the O&A window.

I hope this helps and I'm sorry if I misunderstood what you are asking.


... So for instance if you choose "Fixed size of slide in pixels" and set it to 1920 x 1200 and you resize all of your slides (OUTSIDE of PTE), then on a wide-screen monitor, those pictures would totally fill the screen. If, however, you have one or two slides in the show that are only 1024 x 768, those slides will NOT fill the screen but will be shown at their original sizes ...

Sorry, this is not correct. The small images will be upscaled (in this example typically to 1600x1200) :(




... However is there a way for me to tell to PTE that this is standard behaviour for all slides (in my case i make a simple slideshow from numerous pictures with a centered picture and its caption (extracted from IPTC data) at the bottom. Having to manually reset to 100% of the original slide for each slide is very painful for a very simple slideshow ...

As a workaround, a suitable template may be used.




As a workaround, a suitable template may be used.



I have been looking at the template option in the doc and found i could save projects as templates to be used later. So i saved a "template project" with one slide (which would be upscaled using 100% size / original mode that you provided earlier). But i could not find including in the doc a way to apply this template to all new slides in the show or to slides in the existing show. Am i missing something here?

thnax, michel

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