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could some explain the features found under the advanced tab of project options that are titled:

don't allow <print screen> to copy pictures

allow to restore pictures (via "print" button on nav bar)

I guess the first one seem obvious that this would not enable the print screen button on the keyboard to function... is this correct?

what does the second one do?


This will allow print screen. User can copy only main image of a slide or the whole slide. However, if you worry about people grabing your pictures, this topic was fully covered in this forum, just search for print screen.


I did do a search for print screen and found several threads.

However, I still don't know what the tab:

allow to restore pictures via print button on nav bar means?

I'm not sure if you answered that and I just didn't understand or what?


You should make some small tests yorself in order to see how easy you can learn by yourself. Make a show of 2-3 slides, mark the navigation bar, mark the "allow print", run preview, then you will see a print button on navigation bar. click on print button and you see all options.

The best way to learn is to try and see what you get - I do this way all the time.

If nevertheless you want to be sure or ask a question, we are all here to help.

Good luck :D


Dear Pushu,

If you switch on the option "Allow to restore pictures" (and if you are using your Navigation Bar), then when you press a "Print" button, there will appear two new functions:

1) to save your image from the slideshow to your hard drive

2) to save all the slide as a .bmp file.

I hope that this option is clear now?


thank you both for your replys. Yes indeed, now I understand.

I did do a search prior to posting my question and did not find the answer. I also did go through the help files.

I do think the help files are a bit vauge about some topics - as much as I hate reading a manual or going through page after page of documents, it can be most helpful.

Of course the trial and error method is a good way to learn, but can be a bit frustrating. I apoligize for asking what may seem to be silly questions but none the less thank you for your answers

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