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Lost Thumbnails [SOLVED]


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I'm not sure how I did it but I lost the thumbnails from my slide list recently while preparing a show. The images are still in the list but, without writing down the order in which I entered them, I can't rearrange them. Tried the obvious, changing the View menu, to no avail.What have I done?

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Guest Yachtsman1

I'm not sure how I did it but I lost the thumbnails from my slide list recently while preparing a show. The images are still in the list but, without writing down the order in which I entered them, I can't rearrange them. Tried the obvious, changing the View menu, to no avail.What have I done?

If you are talking about the thumbnails along the bottom of the PTE screen? These can be made to disappear by dragging the surround closed, same applies to those displayed on the LHS. Could you have accidentally done this. It would be easier to diagnose your problem if you include a screen shot of your display with your next post.


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