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Hi folks,

In one of the threads in this forum Igor used the term 'internal alpha testing' for the Mac version, so some weeks ago I asked Igor to explain what he means exactly by this specific testing.

Till now I didn't get an answer, but I suppose he is very busy with finishing PtE 6.5, something I fully understand; I'm waiting for that soundtrack-version too!

But maybe some of the many clever members of this forum can tell me the meaning of this 'internal alpha testing', and is there any difference between 'internal alpha testing' and 'alpha testing'?



I just got a message from Dmitry Hapilin who said:

Internal alpha testing means testing PicturesToExe inside our company only, without involving any user.

Please, wait for a public testing to get and try PicturesToExe for Mac (if you want to participate in testing).

Thanks Dmitry for this quick reaction.....




Dmitry Hapilin's comment conflicts somewhat with Igor's posting. Igor has posted and announced he is opening the internal Alpha testing to users who wish to be included. See his quote below :

We have a very good progress with fully functional PicturesToExe Deluxe for Mac version.

I think beta testing will begin in this year.

Before the open beta-testing I'll post an announcement in this section for those who would like to help us with internal alpha testing. Please watch this forum.

Our strategy as with previous version 5.0 - adding of features during beta-testing.

Internal testing basically is limited to a selected list of testers. In this case the forum user(s) who wish to join this internal list for testing the Alpha version please watch for further notification from Igor on how to participate. Internal testing is usually directed by the developer and all reports and communication links are specifically prescribed. Communication and test links is not generally open and forwarded to the forum or its users.

As for Alpha testing:

Alpha testing is somewhat different than Beta testing whereas Alpha builds are directed at testing specific major program components and functions first for compatibility and any related issues. As the tests proceed additional program components and features are added and further tested till the program is stable and ready enough to be posted and released as a Beta build (in this case for all forum users to openly test.) Alpha builds are usually a incomplete program and built in a series of stages(which does not include all features and functions that will be eventually available in the finish product.) Igors comment "Our strategy as with previous version 5.0 - adding of features during beta-testing." clearly states his intent of adding features.

Hope this further helps those to better understand Alpha vs Beta builds.

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