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Geography on the loose


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In another thread, Al Robinson and I good naturedly jostled about New Zealand, Colorado and Utah. I must now concede that Al (at home in Canada) for sure knows more about our western United States than I know about our good neighbor Canada. I probably know more about Europe than I do about Canada. On the other hand, it is always fascinating to realize how little some residents of the eastern United States know about the places and people out west. Sometimes it seems like folks on either coast think there is just a void between the oceans. :( Maybe this is hard to understand for our friends in other parts of the world where countries and cultures are more compacted geographically.

This subject gives me excuse to say how much I personally enjoy seeing the presentations from so many of you from so many locations around the world. Sure there has always been plenty of info available about the many flavors of the world. But to me, it is often much more interesting to get the personal touch that comes from photographers who use PTE. I remember the first few PTE shows being from Lithuania, Russia, Argentina, Chile.

It's simply great. Now the last two shows posted on Beechbrook, Bohemian Rhapsody and Colours bring again this point to light. Michel's fine shows and friendly attitude are just another example. I can't name them all, but I would like to thank everyone who posts their shows and participates in this forum. It's a great way to enjoy the geography and the great people of this planet. Now, if there are lurkers out there with photographic evidence of where you live or travel, there are many who would like to enjoy with you.

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Bob, thanks for the compliment (even if I don't know the difference between Colorado and Utah!! :D ) And I bet you know more about Canada than you let on. However, there's only one good way to correct that! I wouldn't advise a visit after the end of the month, though, until next Apr or May, as things get a bit messy up here. Unless you are an avid skier or dog musher, that is. (I'll probably get some hate mail now from fellow Canadians <_< Some however would agree - especially the ones who go south for the winter) .

You are so right about the benefits of PTE and the Forum and Beechbrook - before PTE I would never have believed that I would soon be able to watch such a diversity of slide shows, literally from all over the world, from the comforts of my easy-chair. The opportunities for creativity with this fabulous program are limitless! Yes, PTE has been a great source of enjoyment for me, too. And the people one meets on this forum are also great! Some day we'll have to have a convention and get to meet everybody in person. The trouble is, we wouldn't be able to decide where to hold it! :)

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"Unless you are an avid skier or dog musher, that is. (I'll probably get some hate mail now from fellow Canadians Some however would agree - especially the ones who go south for the winter)" (I couldn't get the "quote" thing to work today <_< )


Are you offering to mush over to my place and clear my driveway of snow, freezing rain, slush, while I am in the sunny, warm southwestern USA ?? ;) (I really do enjoy our winters !!! If I did not have the 4 seasons, I would find it boring and miss lots of photo Ops)

I too agree that PTE gives us a great chance at armchair travel !!!

Keep it up everyone

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... I really do enjoy our winters !!! If I did not have the 4 seasons, I would find it boring and miss lots of photo Ops ...


I can think of a few ways to solve the "boring" part. :D

I would just like to be able to avoid the slush season in between fall and winter, and winter and spring. I usually hibernate into my basement playpen during those in-between seasons.

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You are so right about the benefits of PTE and the Forum and Beechbrook - before PTE I would never have believed that I would soon be able to watch such a diversity of slide shows, literally from all over the world, from the comforts of my easy-chair.

Al and the group. I certainly enjoy hosting all the PTE presentations, utilities and tutorials on Beechbrook. Everyone has learned and is still learning from their “PTE neighbors”.

Apart, we're certainly a very large global landmass. However through PTE we've become an interesting and very artistically diverse smaller community. Keep um coming... Besides PTE gives me a good excuse to cross the pond each year for even better photographs! :D



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