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Hi all,

I know all of us are waiting for animation feature which probably

will come one day. Till that day will come, I thought maybe you'll

be interested in something similar.

Many of us use Swish (I recommend version 1.5 for simple animations,

it is cheaper and much easier to use than version 2.0) with which

you can make beautiful things.

So, I can make a small utility which will open your flash on your

show and even scroll it from place to place, with full control as

to speed, direction of scrolling and start position on screen of

any size.

If you know my "Scroll Image" utility, it works the same way but

with flash movie.

If you are interested, let me know, and I'll do it.

:P Granot


No comments :angry:

Never mind, I did it anyway :P

"ShowFlash" will enable you to open a flash movie over your show.

You can scroll it from it's start position out of screen.

All configurations are done on "Flash.txt" file.

Important Notice:

Do not change lines order on "Flash.txt" file !

The only changes you can make is on first 6 lines.

Do not erase or change any other line.

If you mistakenly do this, the utility will pop-up a message and

let you restore the original "Flash.txt" file.

It is recommended to test your project from a folder before making CD.

...maybe Ill get some feedback now, who knows :(


Hi Granot,

First, thank you for all your great contribution to PTE and for your very interesting utilities !

I'm surprised because there is almost no reaction on the forum about your very good utility "ShowFlash", and it is a great tool for PTE

users, opening PTE shows to Flash possibilities...(and animations !).

In my opinion, your Flash player is very interesting because it can be harmoniously integrated in our show (no window, no play/stop

control, etc...), using the "Run external application" option on selected slide.

I've made some tests on several swf files (with text and small image animation, like zoom, pan...) inside PTE shows, with quite good

results, despite my old PC (Pentium II 350 Mhz).

Also, I would be very very interested in test results and experiences from other PTE users, with more powerfull CPU for example, or

other Windows plateform (I use Windows 2000 Professional).

Here is my feedback and questions:

1) Initial position of the flash object: I understand your choice to specify position in percentage of screen size (in order to handle

different screen resolutions I suppose) and it works OK, but I think it would be interesting to have the posibility to set initial position in

pixels too, to be able to place an object with absolute accuracy. Of course, it makes sense only for fixed resolution shows, but can

allow interesting effects, like simulating transparency in Flash file (same background in Flash file and current displayed slide at

ShowFlash startup, for example).

2) Scrolling speed: Is it CPU speed dependent ? Or is it like with PanoRunner utility ? I have tested different speed values in 1024x768

resolution with your default Flash.swf file on my computer, with X and Y initial position set to 0.5 (from starting ShowFlash to full end):

Speed 30= 23s

Speed 15= 19s

Speed 10=13s

Speed 5= 13s

Speed 1= 13s

Is it same result on all computers ?

On my computer, the scrolling is quite smooth (with small Flash animations), even if it's slow. Nice !

3) Disabling scrolling: is there a way to disable scrolling ? (like a value in line 3 in Flash.txt, for example "NoScroll" ?). I noticed that

changing Width and Height (bigger than original Flash size) can disable the scroll, but in this case the program never ends (try with

w=600 and h=400). Is it a normal behavior ?

I really vote for an option "NoScroll" in Flash.txt !

4) Suggestion: it would be nice also to have an option in Flash.txt to control the scroll, from a start position, to a final position (this can

be in percentage of screen size too, like from x=0,2 y=0.2 to x=0,8 y=0.8)

5) Flash.txt file restore: it is not really an important option (because we still have the original file in your zip file), but I tried to delete

Flash.txt file, obtained the restore dialog box, selected "restore" button, and it seems that ShowFlash crashed (only a white square

displayed at position 0,0 and nothing else, no restore). But again, it's not an important issue for me...

6) Just a dream ! (and global reflexion...): I'm really not an expert in Flash, nor in Flash player, but I've seen a player using OpenGL

hardware acceleration (Swiff Player, available for free at http://www.globfx.com/downloads/swfplayer), providing Flash animation

rendering at maximum framerate even in full screen, using the power of the graphic card. The performance is outstanding ! (please, have

a look !). Swiff Player cannot be used in PTE shows because it starts in window mode, its hardware acceleration option can't be set at

startup, and finally, the player doesn't quit at the end of the animation.

Be sure I don't want to compare your player with an other (yours is the only best for PTE, and thanks again !), and I suppose that

making Flash (or other animation format) rendered from video memory using double buffering is not an easy task !

In the other hand, I'm still very disapointed when I see the power of our graphic card unused (I think most of our PCs are equiped with

powerfull 3D graphic cards now, like mine, a GeForce 256 and 4 years old). I really understand Igor's choice to not use graphic

hardware acceleration (for compatibility reason I suppose, and this is a very important point), but I dream in a third party utility (like

yours) using this technology and that can be integrated in PTE shows. Just a dream, may be...

Thank you very much, Granot, I really like your "approach" of PTE (sorry, I don't now if it's correct in english) and all your "goodies".


"Initial position of the flash object: I understand your choice to specify position in percentage of screen size (in order to handle different screen resolutions I suppose) and it works OK, but I think it would be interesting to have the posibility to set initial position in

pixels too, to be able to place an object with absolute accuracy. Of course, it makes sense only for fixed resolution shows, but can allow interesting effects, like simulating transparency in Flash file (same background in Flash file and current displayed slide at ShowFlash startup, for example)."


First, thank you for your long feedback.

I was busy trying to make your suggestions. Here is a sample

if you (and others) want to check and write your opinion.

I added few more lines and instructions on "Flash.txt".


The only problem as I see it that if user will move your show on

screen, it will not change the flash position as you configure.

Scrolling speed: Is it CPU speed dependent ?

I guess yes. I am trying to find a way to overcome this.

I think if you use small flash up to 10 kb differences will be

very small.

Disabling scrolling: is there a way to disable scrolling ?

Yes, you can disable scrolling if you write 999 on line No. 4.

Then on line No. 15 write exit time. This is on the new version.

Suggestion: it would be nice also to have an option in Flash.txt to control the scroll, from a start position, to a final position (this can be in percentage of screen size too, like from x=0,2 y=0.2 to x=0,8 y=0.8)

I think can do. Let me think about it.

Flash.txt file restore: it is not really an important option (because we still have the original file in your zip file), but I tried to delete Flash.txt file, obtained the restore dialog box, selected "restore" button, and it seems that ShowFlash crashed

You will find the restored file in: C:\Temp\Flash.txt

Can you try again if it crashed and give me more details ?

Thank you


4) Suggestion: it would be nice also to have an option in Flash.txt to control the scroll, from a start position, to a final position


Here is a new file with ability to scroll the file diagonally

from/to 4 directions. Check the new 5 lines I added at the end

of "Flash.txt". This is only Beta version, not finished yet.

Download: ShowFlashAnyPos.zip



Hi Granot,

Thank you very much for your upgrade, but you're programming too fast, as I have even not finished to test the new possibilities of your last version !!!

The "noscroll" and "timeout" new options work well, thank you !

And also the new positionning using line 11 and 12 is perfect ! This is really great !

But I'm a bit confused, because I think there is a problem with "standard positionning" (line 1 and 2 in Flash.txt) when using my own swf files, with bigger movie size than in your example (your default Flash.swf included in the zip).

May be there is an error when detecting movie dimensions in your player. I tried to create a new simple animation with SwishMax, sized to 400x300, with Flash.txt like below:








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But it's not centered on the screen.

When I create my own swf in 150x80, it works OK, like with your example...

It seems the problem exists in both versions (ShowFlash and ShowFlashInitialPos), but I can't beleive I haven't notice the problem during my first test (may be it was too late in the night !).

Could you try to build another bigger animation and test it on your side with x=0.5 and y=0.5 ?

Regarding the restore option (for flash.txt), it is still strange: the file is restored in C:\temp (with no default values, only comments), but ShowFlash.exe is crashed, displaying a white square on the top left of the screen (and must be closed manually in the taskbar). When it is crashed, it is possible to click and drag the "white square" (which is at the dimension of the Flash movie) over the screen. Strange..

Again, it is not an important issue in my opinion: users are not supposed to delete or modify this file !

I'm still testing "size and position problem" and will report to you.

Thank you again.


PS: I wasn't able to download your last version, the link doesn't work, but it seems to be new exciting features !

Regarding the restore option (for flash.txt)

Yes, I know, I didn't have time to deal with it. These two files are only working files to check the scrolling options. I don't want to work on the restore file till I know which file to restor (sound logic ;) )

I tried to create a new simple animation with SwishMax, sized to 400x300

It may be that the player works good with flash done with Macromedia and Swish and may be work not so good with SwishMax but I don't know. Can you please send me the swf file ?

may be it was too late in the night !

Here too, I was working all day on this only and I guess I'll check all only tomorrow.

I wasn't able to download your last version

Yes, I forgot to upload :o

I'm doing it now. sorry.

Thank you for all your checkings, this helps to make the utility better.



Hi Granot,

I've tested your last version and it works OK.

Now, the movie is correctly centered whatever its dimension, using x=0.5 and y=0.5.

Diagonal scrolling works too. Really nice !

One of my test was to simulate "a transparent background" with text animation in the middle of the show: I used the same large image in the Flash animation and in PTE, displayed exactly at the same position on the screen, so the text seems to be displayed with a transparent background. And the result is perfect ! (to everybody: we can have incredible intros or 3D text effects in our show now !).

Moreover, the animation with text is smooth and fast, (even on my old PC: 350 Mhz), and does not disturb PTE at all ! This is great !

The only problem is the taskbar, which appears during Flash playback. Is it possible to hide the taskbar when ShowFlash is running ?

(when the movie dimension is the same than screen resolution, the taskbar is overlapped and it's OK)

Thank you Granot for your great job !


Is it possible to hide the taskbar when ShowFlash is running ?


Here it is new version which will hide the task bar while flash is

playing and will show it when done.

I included the restore option but made a big change: Before, if user

restored the missing file everything go back to normal and flash is

playing. Now the flash will not play. The purpose is to let PTE users

to restore the file if they made any mistake on it. If you check the

utility on your Hard Drive before making a CD you should find your

mistake and repair it, so user don't have any reason to get corrupted

file and thus don't need to restore it.

When I'll get your ok that everything is working fine, I will make

the final version. Any overview will be welcomed to include in the

Readme file.

I will remove the old test files listed in this topic above.

Download: ShowFlashTaskBar.zip


Hi Granot,

My report about ShowFlashTaskBar:

1) Restore Flash.txt: OK, it works perfectly.

2) Hidden TaskBar: works OK when using a scrolling option (line 3), but the taskbar is still visible when setting 999 at line 4 (no scroll).

3) ESC key issue: during playback, pressing ESC exit from ShowFlash, but the taskbar is not restored. I think it would be better to completly disable the ESC key during ShowFlash execution, if it is possible (also to not disturb the show).

4) Movie size (Line 5 + Line 6): I don't now exactly how it is supposed to work, but if you specify bigger dimension in Line 5 and 6 than your real movie size, the movie is correctly displayed (with Line 5 and 6 dimension), but ShowFlash seems to be crashed (no scroll, and never end). But may be it is not allowed to set other dimension than original movie...

Suggestion for the Readme overview (please make changes and correct my poor english !):

"This utility will enable you to open a Flash movie (SWF file format) over your show.

You can scroll it from it's start position out of screen, or display it for a specified time.

All configurations are done on "Flash.txt" file.

ShowFlash does not display any interface elements (no buttons or menu), so the Flash animation can be harmoniously integrated to your show, even in fullscreen mode.

This utility requires Macromedia Flash Player to be installed on your system. Otherwise, a dialog box will propose you to download it from the Internet (about 900Kb). It's free.

Note: Flash is a graphic animation format created by Macromedia, and originaly designed for the Web. It allows text and image animation with amazing effects. Several animation softwares exist on the market, providing .SWF export format."

Remark: I'm still surprised that your utility does not cause more reaction from other PTE users. I wonder if it is because it requires Flash to be previously installed on the system, or for other reasons (because Flash is associated with Web ?). In the first case, may be we can add Flash.ocx in the zip file to be copied in Window system folder, and then registered with Regsvr32 ? It is just an idea...

Any comment about this from other PTE users ?

Somebody else has tested ShowFlash on his system ? (what about performance on a 1Ghz CPU with Pan or Zoom on image ?)

Thank you again.


2) Hidden TaskBar: works OK when using a scrolling option (line 3), but the taskbar is still visible when setting 999 at line 4 (no scroll).

Ok, maybe I forgot to give the command on this path.

I will fix it.

3) ESC key issue: during playback, pressing ESC exit from ShowFlash, but the taskbar is not restored. I think it would be better to completly disable the ESC key during ShowFlash execution, if it is possible (also to not disturb the show).

Done, but in newer version. I only added this later when thinking how to

make my Gif utility.

4) Movie size (Line 5 + Line 6): I don't now exactly how it is supposed to work, but if you specify bigger dimension in Line 5 and 6 than your real movie size, the movie is correctly displayed (with Line 5 and 6 dimension), but ShowFlash seems to be crashed (no scroll, and never end). But may be it is not allowed to set other dimension than original movie...

I think flash should be smaller than show. This is logical to me. Also dimentions written in the text file should be real dimentions. I am not sure I understand what you mean. Is there any problem when you write real dimentions ?

Thank you for helping in the Readme file. don't worry about the English, it is also not my native language as most of us.

I'm still surprised that your utility does not cause more reaction from other PTE users. I wonder if it is because it requires Flash to be previously installed on the system

My utility can work even if user do not have flash player. It has its own player. (as a matter of fact I did not include it in this version since 98 % of users can see flash. Internet Explorer or Netscape Communicator include already the player. If the Flash player will not be found on the user's system, or the version of already installed Flash player is older than expected, then utility will try to connect to the Macromedia web site and will download and install the most recent version of Flash player).

I'm still surprised that your utility does not cause more reaction from other PTE users.

Don't be. Many of my utilities didn't get even not one comment !

I will fix all the above and upload a new file for your final check.

If you see my new topic about "Gif animation" - I will probably will be

working on this new utility... if I'll get some feedback.

I :o I have uploaded new file.

Sould be ok the task bar and the Esc.

Please check if it's ok now.


Thank you for yor help



Hi Boxig

Have just been to your web site downloading many utilities to try out.

Many many thanks :D for all your hard work and generosity sharing your talent with us all.

I tried to click on the link to your ShowFlashAnyPos

but I keep getting this message............

The requested URL /ShowFlashAnyPos.zip was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 301 Moved Permanently error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.


Apache/1.3.28 Server at www.thailandphotoalbum.com Port 80

Am I doing something wrong?

I would like to try your program

but I also have a very slow.......

(sorry I can't draw a snail here!) connection

so when I spot large files I have to pause and think of my husband's wallet ! :unsure:

Hope I manage to find and try out your program soon.

Love Maureen :rolleyes:



Thank you for all your fixes.

I think flash should be smaller than show

No problem in setting real dimension for the movie, it works perfectly. I agree with you when you say that the movie should be smaller than show. I think this is the more usual way for intros, titling, etc... But because your utility permits to play the movie at full screen, this allow a very interesting effect (in my opinion), which is to simulate "transparent background" on text (or even image) animation. The trick is to use the same image on both Flash movie background and current displayed PTE slide, with same dimension. In this case, the user even doesn't now he is watching a Flash movie (you cannot notice the appearance of the flash movie because it is the same image displayed in the beginning of the swf movie), and he can see "flying letters" or 3D animated text on current displayed slide. Then, the next slide can appear in a nice fade in and the show can continue with PTE. Of course, it requires to test the exact timing and to prepare the show for fixed screen resolution (800x600 and 1024x768 is enough in my opinion, as most users use these 2). The result is very very good !

Other interesting effects in fullscreen Flash movies are zoom and pan (for example) on whole image, and I'm still testing this. I've already obtained nice effects.

But may be I'm using your utility in a strange way, I admit !

My utility can work even if user do not have flash player

I'm not sure ! I've just tried to execute ShowFlash on my second computer (with clean Win 2000 Pro install), which has no Flash.ocx in the system folder, and it displayed a dialog box saying "Macromedia Flash Player is not installed, do you want to download it ?". I replied "No", then, I copied Flash.ocx, registered it with Regsvr32, and ShowFlash runs perfectly. May be I miss something, what do yo think ?

Many of my utilities didn't get even not one comment !

I'm really sad about this. I personnaly think that one software like PTE cannot handle all "graphic technologies", so, if a third party utility like yours can provide animation (like Flash or PannoRunner or animated GIF) and can be smartly executed from the show, this is really great. Even if I'm not using GIF, I saw several posts asking Igor to support it. And I really understand too that Igor is working on other tasks, with actual software architecture of PTE. BUT YOU ARE OUR WORKAROUND !

Thank you for all.

To Maureen: I hope you achieve to download ant test this nice utility. It would be great if you can share your feeling about it. Thank you in advance !




You are right about the flash player, I made a change to my last reply (go back and see). I am very interesting to see some of your shows using your way with "ShowFlash". Please let me know when I can download and where when ready. The way you describe it is must be very interesting the simulate "transparent background".

So I guess now the utility is ready to upload to my site, since the file there is still the first original file. I thank you very much since without your feedback and suggestions it would not have been as it is now, much much better than the first version. Especially I liked the idea to hide the task bar, never thought about it before and it is very important. I never used it on my other utilities and now I will have to add it to most of them (will be in "GifExe").

So I'll be waiting for your shows (you can also send me only the efect if is not so big, by email)

Thank you again




I also feel I have to share some examples now, but I was waiting (sorry, I really don't want to put pressure on you !) for your finalized version, with no taskbar when scroll is disable.

Moreover, I've no personnal web site (for the moment, it is a "todo" task for me...) to download from, but I can send you an example by email, for sure !

This will be only an example or "demo" show, because I have not enought "free time" dedicated to PTE right now ! (my baby cry... !).

But may be this can also help (or convinced) other PTE users...

I want to build a zip file, includind 1 PTE show, and using 2 Flash animations, stored in 2 separated folders (I have to copy ShowFlash twice, in each folder).

Please tell me if a version with "no taskbar when noscroll" is available, I'll will test it.

Also, what is the attachment maximum size I can send you by email ? (I can also send you the show and swf files, plus instructions...).

Thank you again for all...




Hi Granot,

Sorry, I didn't notice you have updated your file.

Esc key issue is fixed, but the taskbar is still here when line 4=999 and line 10=no.

I prepare an example and send it to you by email, because I don't want to "pollute" Beechbrook with only example and "junky test shows" (not even tested on other systems) .

I hope I can have time to build a real show (with nice images, music and synchro) and share it on Beechbrook site (I will try !).

Also, I plan to create a download area on a personnal site for this purpose.

But I have not enough time !!!!!! (How do you do ?????)

Thanks !



ShowFlash version 2.0

Final version was uploaded, all other links on this topic are inactive.

Thanks to Marco for helping me improve and fix bugs.

Since I changed my web page interface, it is recommended to refresh

your browser when visiting. Please use the "Find on page" to locate

any program.



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